Can Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal Make History by Winning a Grand Slam After Turning 37?

Novak Djokovic y Rafael Nadal They are now over 37 years old, a borderline figure for supreme success in the world of tennis. This is clear from the fact that only one player in the Open Era has won a Grand Slam after reaching that age. Was Ken Rosewallin the 1972 Australian Open. Federer came close, winning in Melbourne a few months after turning 37, but no one else achieved it after 1968. Arthur Gore, William Larned y Bill Tilden They did it in ancient times, when tennis had nothing to do with what it is now. Will the Serbian and/or the Spaniard manage to break this streak?

2024-05-22 21:48:56
#Djokovic #Nadal #impossible #mission #winning #Grand #Slam #years


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