Campi Flegrei, a summit with Meloni and ministers on Wednesday – News

This time it was different. In Pozzuoli today everyone says it. The over 160 tremors – 150 from 7.51pm to 0.31am and another 15 after the swarm – which alternated during the night, primarily that of 4.4 magnitudethe strongest of the last 40 years, have put those who have dealt with bradyseism all their lives to the test.

“This time fear overwhelmed us and it was chaos” says Luigi. On Lungomare Pertini there are those who go jogging. But nearby, in parked cars, many spent the night. There are young people with their dog friends, there are elderly people, there are children. Their faces are marked by fear, by anger even before tiredness.

The Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will chair an inter-ministerial summit on the situation at the Campi Flegrei on Wednesday at Palazzo Chigi after last night’s earthquake swarm. This was announced by the Minister of Civil Protection Nello Musumeci, underlining that there will be “any further interventions by the government on the table, after those already promoted and being implemented with the decree law of last October”. “I am in constant contact with the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni – added Musumeci” who has been following the situation since yesterday evening”.

“We are setting up, as a completely precautionary measure, three waiting and reception areas in the municipalities of Naples, Pozzuoli and Bacoli”, said the prefect of Naples, Michele di Bari.

In the area affected by the seismic activity of the Campi Flegrei, the Civil Protection is operating immediately and, in particular, is verifying the stability of buildingsexplained the head of Civil Protection, Fabrizio Curcio.

Pozzuoli schools will almost certainly remain closed on Wednesday too and a stop for the next few days cannot be ruled out. From what we understand, checks are underway and damage has been found in some institutions. The final decision will be made in the next few hours by virtue of the inspections by experts that are being carried out in these hours.

“Five waiting areas were set up during the night in Pozzuoli and a reception area at the Palatrincone in Monterusciello, where 80 people slept”, the earthquake crisis unit at Campi Flegrei announced on social media. “Waiting areas have also been set up in Bacoli. The inspections have so far led to the clearance of 19 buildings and the evacuation of 42 families. The technicians’ activity continues with the arrival of further teams made available by the Fire Brigade and professional orders”, it is underlined.

For further information Agenzia ANSA Campi Flegrei, the swarm has slowed down but is not over yet – News – The seismic swarm that has been underway at Campi Flegrei since yesterday “has slowed down its pace, but it is not over yet”, he said at ANSA the volcanologist Mauro Di Vito, director of the Vesuvian Observatory of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology. (HANDLE)

Meanwhile, the transfer of the 140 inmates present in the women’s prison of Pozzuoli has begun. A provision – as explained by the prefect of Naples Michele di Bari and the superintendent of prisons in Campania, Lucia Castellano – which was necessary for precautionary reasons. Last night’s tremors, in fact, caused minor shocks damage to the structure the extent of which requires further investigation. The prisoners will be located in other facilities in Campania. The idea is – once the checks have been completed – to have them return as soon as possible. The transfer of the inmates is being carried out using some buses.

Luigi and Margherita took their car last night and went to Formia: on board the six year old girl and the 90 and 84 year old parents. Margherita cries when she tells what happened: “I can’t explain it, the earth didn’t stop shaking, it’s as if something underneath was ready to explode”. “This time it’s enough, this time we’re really leaving here – he adds – I was born in Pozzuoli, I’m 47 years old, but life has become impossible here”.

Then there is anger. “But you know that here in many escape routes there are fiber construction sitesbut does it seem normal to you? – says Pasquale – yesterday there was chaos here. People driving like crazy, honking horns from people who wanted to overtake others. What if it happened during the day? What if schools had been opened? Panic risks causing more damage than the earthquake itself. People don’t know what to do.”

For further information Agenzia ANSA Psychologists: ‘Fear is a healthy reaction, but we need to intervene’ – News – “Unpredictability inevitably creates a climate of tension and apprehension. (ANSA)

At the moment, 42 families have been evicted. At the request of the Civil Protection of the Campania Region, the Rescue Coordination Center arranged for the dispatch of 400 brandy at the availability of the Heads of the Ministry of the Interior – Fire Department, based in Capua, in the municipalities of Bacoli and Pozzuoli. The measure – it is explained – is essentially precautionary in nature, to ensure that the cots are immediately available to the local population in case of need.

For further information Agenzia ANSA Psychologists: ‘Fear is a healthy reaction, but we need to intervene’ – News – “Unpredictability inevitably creates a climate of tension and apprehension. (ANSA)

The shops reopened in the morning to ensure a day of normality today too. The damage is counted, marbles that have detached from the walls, cracks in the houses. “My house withstood the earthquake of 1980 and subsequent ones but tonight incredible cracks were created – says the owner of a flower shop – yes we slept in the car but then we changed and opened our shop. We need to continue working here. We need to live here.”

Meanwhile in the morning railway traffic has returned to normalafter the technical checks carried out on the lines affected by the seismic event.

Video Earthquake at Campi Flegrei, people on the streets in Bagnoli and Pozzuoli

About 150 shocks

From 7.51pm yesterday, the seismic swarm underway in the Campi Flegrei area recorded, until 12.31am today, approximately 150 earthquakes, the strongest of which was magnitude 4.4, within the Solfatara.

This was highlighted by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), adding that at present there is no increase in the lifting speed, which is currently 2 cm/month, nor changes in the trend in horizontal deformations or different local deformations of the ground compared to the previous trend.

Video Campi Flegrei, the mayor of Pozzuoli: ‘It is important for everyone to collaborate’

The INGV therefore recalls that during the bradyseismic crisis of 1982-84 the ground lifting reached 9 cm per month, and even exceeded 1300 seismic events per month. Currently, however, around 450 events have been recorded in the last month.
Furthermore, the geochemical parameters “do not show significant variations compared to the trends of recent months, other than the well-known increase in temperature and pressure that characterizes the hydrothermal system”.

“Seismicity – adds the INGV – is not a predictable phenomenon, therefore it cannot be ruled out that other seismic events may occur, even of similar energy to what has already been recorded during the current swarm”.


The INGV Vesuvius Observatory continues its ordinary and extraordinary monitoring activities in order to “identify even the smallest variations in the monitoring parameters useful for better defining the current phenomenon underway”.

Furthermore, the structures of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology dedicated to monitoring the Campi Flegrei caldera area “are always operational 24 hours a day and today measurements and sampling will be carried out in some sites of the caldera”.

The INGV, with its Naples section Osservatorio Vesuviano, “is constantly in contact with the national and regional Civil Protection and with the municipalities involved, as well as with all the authorities competent for the protection of the territory”.

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2024-05-21 20:38:00
#Campi #Flegrei #summit #Meloni #ministers #Wednesday #News


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