BVB: When he was introduced as the new boss, Ricken made a promise

Lars Ricken is not expected to have a special role in the Champions League final – at least not one that he is aware of. “I haven’t heard anything, so I assume I’ll sit in the stands as normal,” said BVB’s new sports director. It was officially presented this Wednesday.

On June 1st, when Dortmund play against Real Madrid at Wembley Stadium in London, Ricken will not make a special appearance – in contrast to the two previous finals for the pot in the club’s history. In 1997, Ricken scored the decisive 3-1 win against Juventus Turin in Munich, helping BVB achieve its most significant success to date. In 2013, when Dortmund lost 2-1 to FC Bayern – also in London – he appeared in the supporting program together with Paul Breitner. Ricken and Breitner wore historical uniforms at the time – which subsequently caused ridicule.

Ricken, Breitner, helmets and Henkelpott – that was a memorable appearance in the 2013 final

Source: picture alliance/Sven Simon/Elmar Kremser/SVEN SIMON

Whatever the case: the Champions League doesn’t seem to let go of Ricken, now 47. “My first day at work was May 1st and in the evening we played the first semi-final against Paris, and a week later we were in the final,” explained Ricken in the packed press room in the Dortmund stadium during his first public appearance in a new role – that too should remain the last for now. He wants to hold back until the big game at Wembley is played. “In London the space should be given to the people who have worked for a year and who have earned it: the team, the coaching team, sports director Sebastian Kehl and Aki Watzke,” said Ricken.

The latter had chosen Ricken as his partial successor a few weeks ago. The former BVB professional, who has headed Dortmund’s youth performance center (NLZ) for the past 16 years, has already taken over overall sporting responsibility for Watzke – which has made him the most important decision-maker in relation to the professional department. Watzke will remain CEO until the end of 2025, when he plans to retire.

“He is very self-confident,” says Watzke

Ricken’s position is endowed with considerable power. “I watched Lars for 16 years, he did extraordinary things at the NLZ. I always knew he was highly motivated. “He’s also very confident, but he manages to not make it look like he’s too confident,” said Watzke, who sat next to Ricken on the podium on Wednesday. The 64-year-old wanted to emphasize that no one should believe that just because Ricken has had little presence in the general public in recent years that he is not capable of carrying out this responsible job.

“My appointment may have come as a surprise to some people, but actually not to me,” Ricken promptly explained, showcasing the self-confidence announced by Watzke. Watzke told him “four or five years ago” that he “sees him in the management in the medium term,” says Ricken. However, he replied at the time: “You don’t have to make any promises to me. I just want to work successfully for this club.”

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Ricken’s biography shows that BVB is a matter close to his heart. He was born in Dortmund and joined the BVB youth team at the age of 14. His many years of work at the NLZ, first as coordinator and then as director, were a good school. “I was a squad planner for four to five teams, had a lot of discussions with players, parents and advisors and at the same time set up structures,” he explained.

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His style is communicative. “I understand modern leadership to mean making others strong and creating framework conditions so that everyone can work optimally,” is how he described his maxim for the future dealings with his most important employees – all of whom he has known for a long time: trainer Edin Terzic, Sebastian Kehl and Sven Mislintat, who has been working for BVB again as a squad planner since May 1st. Ricken also wants to use the services of Matthias Sammer, Watzke’s personal advisor.

Working with Kehl, who had hoped to be promoted to managing director, could potentially be problematic. “It’s actually quite good when a club has one or the other alternative. I had to choose one – but that doesn’t mean the other was less qualified,” said Watzke. However, he did not want to rule out the possibility of friction. “If it’s the three (Ricken, Kehl and Mislintat, the editorial team) If we can manage to work together constructively and in a spirit of trust, then we have huge opportunities. “I hope they can do it,” he explained: “But it could also be that they won’t.”

Ricken will lead “Elefantenrunde” from now on

In any case, a new era has already begun at BVB. “Lars will lead the ominous elephant round from now on,” said Watzke. This refers to the regular meeting between the managing director, the sports director and the coach – and often also Sammer. According to Watzke, he himself will no longer take part in the future unless he is asked to do so by Ricken. He will not specify the budget framework. However, Ricken will have the final say in decisions.

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For those who believe that Lars Ricken will be a less controversial character at the helm of Borussia Dortmund in the future, the new managing director also had a clear message ready. “I represent these colors with everything I have,” said Ricken: “If we are attacked or attacked, I will also defend these black and yellow colors loud and clear.”


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