Borussia’s Training Week Begins without Head Coach, Wöber Returns and Transfer Rumors Swirl

With the 1-1 draw against Frankfurt, Borussia at least secured a relaxed week of training. However, it started without the head coach.

Back on the training ground: Maximilian Wöber. IMAGO/Chai vd Laage

As an exception, the Gladbach professionals even practiced in Borussia Park on Tuesday because the turf on the training pitch is already being removed and replaced. Head coach Gerado Seoane was missing from the first session of the week and the start of preparation for the last game of the season in Stuttgart. As Borussia announced, the Swiss is ill and will be on the sidelines during the season sweep-up on Saturday.

At least defender Maximilian Wöber returned to the training field after tearing a muscle fiber in his thigh, so he will be available for the end of the season in Stuttgart. This will almost certainly be the Austrian international’s last appearance for the Foals.

Wöber probably can’t be stopped

The central defender, who will soon be on the ball with the Austrian national team at the European Championships, is currently on loan from Leeds United with no option to buy. A transfer is probably not possible, even if Borussia is of course exploring all options to keep Wöber.

At the end of a totally unsatisfactory season, Borussia secured their place in the league with a 1-1 draw against Eintracht Frankfurt, which is why the last game in Stuttgart holds little excitement. Much more interesting are the personal details that arise around the encounter and of course afterwards.

Florian Neuhaus only played a mini-game in the last home game, and it can be assumed that the midfielder, who once had high expectations, will see his last game in the Gladbach jersey on Saturday. Seoane obviously prefers different types of players than Neuhaus, so a separation seems inevitable.

Rumors about Koné

Farewell to Mönchengladbach: This probably also applies to Neuhaus’ next-door man Manu Koné, about whom there were always rumors in practically every transfer period. Most recently, a transfer fell through again due to an injury.

Borussia expects a transfer fee well over 20 million for the Frenchman, who played a key role in the center with his dynamism on good days, but also disappeared completely from time to time. There are said to be interested parties in England and France, for example.

Sippel stays, Olschowsky is looking for a loan

The future of two goalkeepers is somewhat less spectacular. It has apparently been decided that Tobias Sippel, who was not used in the season that ended, will stay in Mönchengladbach for another year. The veteran is already 36, but should be kept in reserve just in case.

The trend is completely different for Jan Olschowsky, who was actually supposed to be loaned out in the winter. The 22-year-old, who has played four Bundesliga games so far and has been used 84 times in the Regionalliga West, is expected to get match practice on loan from another club.

2024-05-14 16:30:02
#Gladbach #start #Wöber #coach #Seoane


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