Borgo San Dalmazzo Welcomes Director Marco Fino of Regional Museum of Natural Sciences in Turin

The mayor of Borgo San Dalmazzo Roberta Robbione and the municipal council received the borgarino in the town hall Marco Fino who for a few months has held the prestigious position of director of the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences in Turin.

After ten years of closure – due to a fire that devastated the premises – the Museum has recently reopened part of its exhibition areas to the public, thanks also to the important work coordinated by the engineer Borgarino.

During the meeting, director Fino highlighted aspects of his activity and the enormous cultural and scientific richness of the Museum which has always represented a point of reference in the sector, with an important long-term vision and scope.

“We are really proud of our fellow citizen – we read in a note released by the council – who faces the complexity of the commitment with great competence and enthusiasm. We shared the desire to develop a common path to broaden knowledge of the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences in our territory and to activate collaborations, also with the Gesso and Stura River Park, on scientific and educational activities”.

2024-05-25 09:29:53
#Borgarino #Marco #Fino #director #Regional #Museum #Natural #Sciences #received #town #hall #Guide


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