Bologna Juventus, Montero: ‘Right result, normal decline after the Cup victory’

Bologna Juventus, Montero: ‘Right result, normal decline after the Cup victory’

From the initial shock to the run, rejoicing and jumping in the rain at the moment of 3-3. A crazy debut for Paolo Montero on the Juventus bench, with the first goal conceded after just 2′, the risk of collapse and at the end the incredible comeback in 8′. “Right result”, comments the Juventus coach. “It was normal to have a drop after an important victory”, he continues, referring to the Italian Cup final, which featured one of the best Juventus teams of the season. “After an important victory like the one on Wednesday you mentally drop a little. When you have this decline against a team like Bologna it’s difficult. Afterwards the pride of these boys and the desire to wear this shirt came out.”

“Special excitement, incredible welcome”

Montero continued by talking about his emotions, his first as Juventus coach: “I had a special agitation, I don’t know how to describe it. They gave me incredible joy. They gave me an incredible welcome. I found a team with a good spirit. The reflection was the last 20 minutes. You know very well that you are not inside it is difficult to give an opinion. I saw it well. When I played I was inside certain dynamics I could talk. I saw them very well but everyone reacts differently.”

1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Bologna #Juventus #Montero #result #normal #decline #Cup #victory


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