Boca’s Disappointment: Potential South American Cup Playoff Opponents Looming

Anger, disappointment and disappointment. All those feelings plague a Boca that was just five minutes away from beating Fortaleza, climbing to the top of Group D and depending on itself to get directly into the mata-mata instances. However, a tactical error and a failed putback led to a draw that tasted like defeat.

Second with 8 points (0 goal difference) and therefore in the hands of what happens with Juan Pablo Vojvoda’s team on the last date, today Diego Martínez’s team would be playing the playoffs for the round of 16 of the South American Cup.

And who would be his rival? If the group stage will be closed at this time, Xeneize should clash in that round-trip duel against Palestino.

This is due to what the CONMEBOL regulations state: the playoff brackets are ordered by crossing the best third of the Libertadores with the worst second of the Sudamericana and so on. From this leveling it is clear that Boca, currently facing the last worst second place in the Sudamericana, would be crossing with Palestino, the second best third place in the Copa Libertadores. However, there is still one date left and everything could be modified.

The other complication that Boca could have is that on the date of the playoffs some players would already be at the disposal of Javier Mascherano, coach of the Argentine Under 23 National Team, thinking about the Paría 2024 Olympic Games. It is speculated that the Jefecito could summon Cristian Medina and Ezequiel Fernández, while the chance of Kevin Zenón is also being considered. Leandro Brey is also a permanent fixture.

The other rivals that could affect Boca if they finish second in Sudamericana

In the absence of a date for the definition of the group stage, the following teams would be dropping from the Libertadores:

  • Colo Colo
  • Barcelona
  • Students of La Plata
  • University
  • Palestinian
  • Valley Independent
  • Central Rosary
  • Freedom

2024-05-17 02:10:14
#Palestino #rival #Boca #face #today #Copa #Sudamericana #playoff


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