Biasin: “Inter, what Oaktree said to the Nerazzurri managers. The first objective will be…”

In his editorial on TMW, the well-known journalist Fabrizio Biasin also spoke about Inter’s corporate future

In his editorial on TMW, the well-known journalist Fabrizio Biasin he also spoke about Inter’s corporate future. “Inter changes ownership today. Again, something sensational would have to happen for Steven Zhang to be able to pay off his maturing debt with Oaktree. The American fund has already made clear how it plans to manage the Italian champion club: as before. After all, it would make very little sense to change the management model that has allowed the Nerazzurri to combine competitiveness on the pitch and sustainability off it. The first objective of the new ownership – once installed – will be the renewal of the contracts of the various Lautaro, Barella, Inzaghi. For the coach and midfielder the figures are already established, with the captain we still have to find the balance between demand (10 plus bonus) and supply (8 plus bonus).

And Marotta? Yesterday’s statements (“we want to raise the bar again. My future? I could continue with Inter even beyond 2027, after all we are a beautiful family”) may appear excessively “glittering” after the turmoil of the last few days and they probably are, what is certain is that they were not at all obvious. And they are proof that, despite the various scenarios thrown at the fans, the Nerazzurri sports management has already received guarantees from the gentlemen of the Quercia regarding the imminent future“, her words.

2024-05-20 22:10:30
#Biasin #Inter #Oaktree #Nerazzurri #managers #objective #be..


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