Benedictine Sisters Condemn Remarks by Kansas City Chiefs Kicker at Graduation Ceremony

The Benedictine Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica, co-founders and co-sponsors of Benedictine College, have joined the chorus of voices denouncing comments made by the kicker of the Kansas City Chiefs football team at the University of the Arts graduation ceremony. liberals in Atchison, Kansas

Harrison Butker noted May 11 that women who graduate should not aspire to careers and success, but to be mothers and housewives

“Our community has taught young men and women not only how to be ‘homemakers’ in a limited sense, but rather how to create a compassionate, Gospel-centered home within themselves, where they can welcome others like Christ, training them to be the best versions of themselves,” the Benedictines say in a statement

(GlobalSistersReport).- The Benedictine sisters of Mount St. Scholastica, co-founders and co-sponsors of Benedictine College, have joined the chorus of voices denouncing comments made by the kicker of the Kansas City Chiefs football team at the University’s graduation ceremony liberal arts program in Atchison, Kansas. Harrison Butker noted May 11 that women who graduate should not aspire to careers and success, but to be mothers and homemakers.

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Butker noted that his wife gave up her own dream of a career to embrace “one of the most important titles of all: housewife,” and He said that the women in the promotion have been deceived.

“I want to speak directly to you, briefly, because I believe that “It is you, women, who have been told the most diabolical lies,” he said.. Some have pointed out, however, that Butker’s mother, Elizabeth Keller Butker, is not a housewife, but rather a clinical medical physicist at Emory University School of Medicine.

A statement in the front page of the website of Mount St. Scholastica Benedictine says Butker’s comments do not “represent the Catholic, Benedictine university and liberal arts that our founders envisioned and in which we have invested so much.

The nuns’ statement says Benedictine College has been sending women into the world to do great things for decades, both at home and in the workplace. “We sisters have dedicated our lives to God and God’s people, including the many women we have taught and influenced over the past 160 years. These women have made a tremendous difference in the world in their roles as wives and mothers and through their God “received gifts in leadership, scholarship, and their careers.”they say.

“Our community has taught young men and women not just how to be ‘housewives’ in a limited sense, but rather how to create a compassionate home and centered on the Gospel within themselves, where they can receive others as Christ, empowering them to be the best versions of themselves,” he says.

In 1863, the Benedictine sisters opened a school in Atchison, which in 1932 became a university. which would grant its first bachelor’s degrees. Benedictine monks had opened their own school in Atchison in 1858 and by 1927 it was an accredited liberal arts university. In 1971, the two merged to form Benedictine College, which is a ministry sponsored by both the sisters and the monks.

“We are faithful members of the Catholic Church who embrace and promote the values ​​of the Gospel, Saint Benedict and Vatican II and the teachings of Pope Francis,” the statement said. “We want to be known as an inclusive and welcoming community, which embraces Benedictine values ​​that have endured for more than 1,500 years and have spread across all continents and nations. “We believe those values ​​are at the core of Benedictine College.”

2024-05-22 10:08:45
#North #American #Benedictines #denounce #sexist #comments #Harrison #Butker #university #run


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