Basketball, Serie A playoffs: Brescia overwhelms Pistoia also in game 2 and extends the series


Germani scores the first match point to access the semifinal by defeating Estra 97-75

14 mag 2024 @X

In the quarter-finals of the Serie A basketball playoffs wins again Bresciawho also takes game 2 against Pistoia at home with a score of 97-75. A super drags Germani along Amedeo Della Valle, deadly from three points and author of 23 total points. Moore’s 19 were not enough for Estra, who is now one step away from elimination. The series moves to Tuscany, first match point for the Lombards in game 3.

Brescia also takes game 2 and flies to 2-0 against Pistoia, triumphing 97-75. The Lombards start very strong, pressing on the accelerator thanks to the usual Amedeo Della Valle and the great work of Akele. The guests try to hold on to their opponents thanks to Varnado’s points, but at the end of the first six hundred seconds they trail by eleven points, at 30-19. In the following quarter Massinburg takes the lead among Germani’s ranks, with the Tuscans unable to get closer despite Wheatle’s good entry. At half-time the team coached by Alessandro Magro continues to lead, at 46-34, and things do not change when they return to the field after the long break: Della Valle continues to be surgical from inside and outside the arc, and the home team they run away 71-51 at the last short break. In the last quarter the hosts accelerate again, with Gabriel and Massinburg continuing to score. Moore and Willis make the deficit less burdensome in the final for the Brienza team, who still have to surrender 97-75 – Brescia extends to 2-0 and gives themselves the first match point to close the series, Friday 17th at the PalaCarrara in Pistoia.

GERMANI BRESCIA-ESTRA PISTOIA 97-75 (30-19, 46-34, 71-51)
Germani Brescia –
Christon 7 (2/5, 1/2), Della Valle 23 (1/2, 6/11, 3/3 tl), Gabriel 12 (4/8 from 3), Akele 9 (3/5, 1/2 ), Bilan 4 (2/3 from 2); Burnell 7 (2/3, 1/2), Massinburg 23 (5/5, 3/5, 4/5 tl), Cobbins 4 (2/2 from 2, 0/2 tl), Cournooh 8 (2/3 , 1/4, 1/2 tl), Porto, Tanfoglio (0/1 from 3). Nor Petrucelli. All. Skinny.

Estra Pistoia – Moore 19 (4/6, 1/1, 8/9 tl), Willis 16 (2/4, 3/7, 3/3 tl), Saccaggi (0/1 from 3), Ogbeide 5 (1/3 from 2, 3/5 tl), Varnado 11 (3/6, 1/6, 1/2 tl); Wheatle 11 (1/3, 2/4, 3/4 tl), Hawkins 9 (2/7 from 3, 3/4 tl), Della Rosa, Del Chiaro 4 (2/6 from 2), Stoch. All. Brienza.


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2024-05-15 02:35:40
#Basketball #Serie #playoffs #Brescia #overwhelms #Pistoia #game #extends #series


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