Badminton Coach from Alsace Indicted for Sexual Assault on Minor Player

INFO BFM Alsace. The alleged facts took place between 2021 and 2023 within the club grounds but also during an away sporting event in Meurthe-et-Moselle. The coach was remanded in custody on May 15.

A badminton coach from the Entente Sportive 2 Badminton, which brings together the towns of Staffelfelden, Bollwiller, Cernay, Thann and Ungersheim, was indicted and placed in pre-trial detention on May 15, according to information from BFM Alsace.

A judicial investigation was opened for acts of sexual assault and rape of a minor over 15 years old by a person in authority. The events took place between 2021 and 2023.

The coach defends consensual relationships

The young girl who testifies is now 19 years old. The man in question, born in 1982, was his trainer. The events took place within the club grounds, in Staffelfelden, Bollwiller and Berrwiller, and during an away sporting event, in a hotel room in Frouard (Meurthe-et-Moselle).

The coach acknowledges the sexual relations but defends himself, claiming that they were consensual. He was arrested on May 13, placed in police custody for 48 hours, before being presented to an investigating judge and placed in pre-trial detention on May 15, as requested by the prosecution.

Isabelle Hautefeuille with Alixan Lavorel

2024-05-23 16:20:20
#badminton #coach #indicted #rape #minor


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