Avis Day Giovani: Promoting Health, Sport, and Solidarity Through Community Events

Evident success for the second edition of Avis Day Giovani, the event promoted at the Guastallo sports hall by the local Avis together with the Kyoto Center. An event featuring sports such as five-a-side football, judo, volleyball and basketball, as well as dance and Ju Jutsu demonstrations. The objective is to promote health, sport and solidarity, in addition to volunteering the “gift” that Avis represents. This occurs in the context of young athletes and their families. Avis staff was present with volunteers and a doctor to provide information and check some health parameters. Avis Day Giovani is among the events that Avis organizes in the area. Also worth mentioning is the appointment on 14 June in the cathedral in Guastalla, where Avis is organizing the “Duke Ellington Sacred Concerts” event with the Cb Band Orchestra and other important musicians and choristers.

2024-05-15 05:29:40
#success #Avis #Youth #Day


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