Avilés pushes for Linares, which has offers from Andalusian teams

Diego Baeza, president of Avilés, continues to search for a new sports director. After the dismissal of Javier Vidales a few weeks ago, the blue and white has been working for a few days on the signing of a person responsible for the club’s sports field, aware that time is of the essence, since the rest of the teams are beginning to move in the market. The great favorite to take the position is still Miguel Linares, as LA NUEVA ESPAÑA announced, but the operation is not being easy. Although the player from Jaén was already at Suárez Puerta, in the play-out match between Avilés and Manchego, the negotiations have not been finalized, as he has interest from several teams in the south of Spain.

His great work at Linares, with which he fought for promotion to the Second Division, has not fallen on deaf ears, which means he has a great presence in the south of Spain. Although at UCAM Murcia he did not achieve the expected objectives, since they were six points away from the play-off places, his fame remains intact. It is no wonder, since he managed to take Linares from Third to First Federation, a category in which they played in two play-offs for promotion to Second despite being one of the lowest budgets. For this reason, there are several teams in Group 4 that are trying to obtain his services, aware that the Linares cartel places him as one of the best sports directors in the category. In favor of these teams is also the proximity to his birthplace, Jaén, an asset that plays against the interests of Avilés. Added to this is also that in the south of Spain the clubs have larger budgets, which means that they can surpass the offers of the blue and white team. Despite all this, the Aviles team trust that his proposal and his sporting project will serve to bring him to Asturias and that he will be the builder of the new team that plays for Suárez Puerta.

During these days the signing of the sports director is the great concern of Avilés, who for now does not want to hear about signings until they know for sure who will be in charge of putting together the squad. Both the chapter on renewals and incorporations are, for the moment, on hold, since they do not want to compromise future planning beyond the players who have a current contract with the club. That is why names like Yayo, a player that Rozada has already asked the club to join on loan, will have to wait.

In recent days there have been several names that have been linked to the position of sporting director of Avilés, but the priority is clear. One of them has been that of Pedro Menéndez, head of recruitment at Sporting, who coincided with Javi Rozada at Lealtad and at Racing de Santander, although his arrival is completely ruled out. Another name that is ruled out is that of Joaquín Barrios, former Langreo sports director, who for personal reasons has left the Langreo team and seeks to continue his career near Madrid, where his family resides.

What is clear is that Avilés wants to close the signing of the sports director as soon as possible. The blue and white team does not want to repeat the mistakes of last year when, after extending the season due to having to compete in the promotion play-off, to which was added the signing, weeks later, of Javi Vidales, the Avilesinos began to close signings much later than its rivals. That is why they are working hard to close an arrival in the coming days that will allow them to open the chapter on signings and renewals.

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2024-05-25 02:01:00
#Avilés #pushes #Linares #offers #Andalusian #teams


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