Atenea Awards: the great gala of Girona sport is back

The Athena Awards, promoted by the Diari de Girona with the sponsorship of Camps Motor – We Are Mobility, the collaboration of the Catalan Sports Council and the support of the GEiEG, are back next month stronger than ever. With the aim of valuing, making visible and rewarding the effort, talent and sporting achievements of the province, and emerging athletes, the awards will be presented at a gala on June 27 (8pm) at the facilities locations of the GEiEG de Sant Ponç, will give relief to those who a year ago crowned the hockey player Biel Nadal (Garatge Plana Girona), the AE Fornells, the Oncotrail race, the former coach of the CPA Girona Nuri Soler, and the soccer player , world champion, Laia Codina. As in that first time, the best young promise, the values ​​of a club, the exemplary sporting gesture, a long career in the world of sport, and the best Girona athlete of the season will be awarded. The operation will also be the same: it will be the readers who, through www.diaridegirona.catwill be able to propose their candidates in each of the categories and, immediately afterwards, the three finalists for each will emerge from here. Then the jury will come into play, formed by Eduard Recio, president of Girona CH; Laia Palau, sports director of Uni Girona; Stefi Batlle, CEO of Basketball Girona; Francesc Cayuela, president of the GEiEG; a representative of Girona FC, and the editor-in-chief of Sports and Culture of Diari de Girona, Jordi Roura. They will be the ones who will choose the winners, who will not be announced until the day of the final gala.

Access to the ceremony will be free, prior registration through In the same way, readers can also make as many proposals as they want, bearing in mind that the candidates will be people or sports clubs from Girona who, due to their career, results, achievements or sporting performance, have been a benchmark in the territory. This season has once again been historic for Girona sport, which has reached milestones, in group sports, such as the qualification of Girona FC for the next Champions League, and who has taken Spar Girona to the semi-finals of the Eurocup and the Women’s League. Básquet Girona, for its part, which celebrates its tenth anniversary this May, has signed a record of victories in the ACB (13), has saved itself and longs to play in Europe next year. For Garatge Plana Girona, success will be keeping the category in a play-out against Alcoi that starts next weekend.

Categories and assessment criteria for nominations:

Press the Omen by Jove’s Promises: For the young (non-senior) athlete with the most projection of the year. That he has been selected by the Catalan or Spanish national team and/or has been signed by a higher category team.

Magister Prize for the Values ​​of a Club: For the training task that a club does. To encourage and promote among children and teenagers the values ​​and positive learning of sport.

Plausus Award for Exemplary Sports Gesture: For the athlete, team or club that has performed some act of fair play during the season.

Lifetime Achievement Award: For a referent who has dedicated his life to a certain sport. Whether coach, ex-player, president, member, staff, centenary club…

Melius Award for Best Athlete/Team: For the best athlete or team of the season, whether for results, achievements or sporting performance.

2024-05-17 04:01:56
#Atenea #Awards #great #gala #Girona #sport


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