Atalanta wins the Europa League, will Italy have 6 teams in the Champions League? Because it is possible but not certain

Rome, 22 May. (Adnkronos) – The twist arrives in the evening, with a video on social media in which Giorgia Meloni announces that she has put the ministerial decree signed by Maurizio Leo on ‘stand-by’, and which, in fact, resurrects the dormant income meter since 2018. The tax system’s ‘radar’ to track down crafty and crafty people makes the majority dance for 24 hours, and activates friendly fire towards Fdi and its leader, who never wanted to hear about income meter. A crossfire that started yesterday morning and which, after a day, shows no signs of stopping. This is how the decree published in the Official Journal last Monday generates a real earthquake, with Lega and Fi fighting to whitewash the law, the opposition attacking the prime minister, but also Fdi, who are struggling, with the ‘aggravating factor, or rather the belief, that the law will turn into a boomerang just two weeks after the vote.

We need to take action. And so early in the morning the Prime Minister, again on social media, assures that “no big fiscal brother will ever be introduced by this government”. And she opens glimmers of imminent changes. “I will personally discuss it with Deputy Minister Leo, who I have also asked to come and report to the next Council of Ministers. And if changes are necessary I will be the first to ask for them”, she makes it clear. The Council of Ministers is scheduled for Friday, on the agenda is also the ‘save homes’ on which Matteo Salvini is betting his chips, the ‘showdown’ on the income meter is added to the list of measures. But Meloni, aware of the ‘mess’, speeds up: she receives Leo at Palazzo Chigi, certainly annoyed by an avoidable accident. Together they decide to put the measure on stand-by. If not even in the attic.

A turn that marks a decisive change of direction, even if, in the video on social media, Meloni does not disavow the norm. “We have inherited a very dangerous situation – he makes it clear – in which there is no limit to the discretionary power of the financial administration to dispute inconsistencies between the standard of living and the declared income. Hence the need to issue a ministerial decree that provided precise guarantees for taxpayers, however, it has produced several controversies”, therefore “it is better to suspend” the provision “while waiting for further investigations, because our objective is and remains to combat large-scale tax evasion and the unacceptable phenomenon, for example , of those who pretend to have nothing but drive around in an SUV or go on holiday with a yacht without however harassing ordinary people with invasive rules”. And this is the route “there will be and it will be radical”. they report well-informed to Adnkronos. Which translates, in a nutshell, into the desire to dismantle the rule, cutting it down to the bone and clearly ‘snipping’ the indicators that will set off the alarm.

Expenses for clothing and footwear will be off the tax radar – according to rumors circulating at the moment – much less those incurred for medicines and visits, bills and mortgage or telephone expenses will be put under the magnifying glass. The field should be limited in a “substantial way”, leaving only those variables that allow the ‘synthetic assessment’ – thus the norm in technical jargon – to ferret out those who declare ‘starvation’ incomes but in fact live in luxury: read SUVs, boats or second homes in trendy locations.

And without prejudice, it goes without saying, to the taxpayers’ right to defend themselves and demonstrate that the financing of the expenses occurred with incomes other than those held in the tax period. Or that the attributed expenses have a different amount or were financed with income put up during previous years. To change the current law, technically “the application activity” of the ministerial decree signed by Leo is deferred, “pending a subsequent regulatory provision to review the institute”, government sources explained in the evening.

And this should be the direction that the government, in the person of Leo, will take to start the ‘revision’ of the law, which, for now, should still remain in the ‘icebox’. Also gaining time to reassure the voters – the stable order of via della Scrofa – on the real intentions of the government “for a friendly taxman”, a slogan bandied about for months and months only to end up in the grip of the income meter.

2024-05-22 21:55:56
#Atalanta #wins #Europa #League #Italy #teams #Champions #League


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