Astros Dominate Toros de Pamplona in Spanish Baseball League: A Recap of the Tenth Day in Valencia

Valencia Astros managed to beat Toros de Pamplona, ​​16-0 and 2-1, on the tenth day of the Spanish Baseball League held in Valencia. The day was a bit strange, because The first game was developed with a clear difference in favor of the Astros and the second was a duel of pitchers who managed to contain the rival batters, adjusting the evolution of the game a lot..

First match

The first game started on a good foot for the Astros since, in the first inning, the bases on balls granted by the Navarrese pitcher and the runs driven in by the Valencian batters managed to increase 4 runs in the local account.

The score did not move until the fourth inningin which The Valencians scored 12, taking advantage of the opportunities they had to reach base. A great level of hitting, translated into 12 hits, walks, wild pitches and stolen bases were the tone of an inning that lasted forever and that determined the game to end by a difference in the fifth.

By Astrospitcher Yosbany Torres dominated from the mound, He was very successful in his usual line and did not allow runs, gave up only 4 hits, 2 walks and eliminated 6 batters by fast track. Result 16-0.

Second party

We could define the second match as a pitchers’ duel. Balboa opened for Valencia Astros and for seven innings he successfully dominated the attacks of the rival bats: He received 7 hits, a single run and eliminated 10 by strikeout. Toros starter Kingsley allowed 2 runs in totalthe first in the first inning, on a wild pitch that served to Febles would score. From there, the two pitchers dominated, until the sixth inning in which Astros scored and the seventh with the run for Toros. The relays on the Valencian mound, Honora and Hernandez To close, they had no problems maintaining the result with which they had entered the game. Result 2-1.

Last day of the qualifying phase

Next weekend, the last day of the qualifying phase, Valencia Astros travels to face Beisbol Navarra, a very complete team that is fifth in the standings, meanwhile, the Valencians are second classified, tied on points with San Inazio who visits Valencia to face Antorcha.

Spanish Baseball League classification. / #RFEBS #SBL2024

Once Once the qualifying phase is over, two groups will be formed:

Group 1 with the first 6 teams that will play for the title of Champion and the first six places in the final classification.

Group 2 with the 5 remaining teams that will play for places from seventh to eleventh.

At this time, there are 3 teams in contention for sixth place to access group 1: the Valencians from TorchCB Barcelona and Miralbueno. Next week we will know how that group is configured.

Baseball European Cup 2024

On the other hand, in two weeks, baseball fans will be able to enjoy an important sporting event in our city, the Baseball European Cup 2024the second most prestigious Cup in Europe, will be held in Valencia from June 4-9will be broadcast by streaming and will feature the participation of eight European teams: 2 Spanish (Astros and Marlins de Tenerife), 2 French, 2 Austrian, 1 Croatian and 1 Belgian.

2024-05-22 10:16:36
#Baseball #Spanish #Baseball #League #Valencia #Astros


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