AST Tennis Celebrates Successful Return of Traditional Tournament in Tréport 10th Edition

Par Eu Editorial
Published on May 9, 24 at 12:36 See my news Follow L’Informateur d’Eu

The Tréportaise Sports Association of Tennis (AST Tennis) is doing very well. With 85 members this season, a figure that has been constantly increasing for two years, the Covid-19 health crisis is, for her, nothing more than a bad memory which will ultimately have had little impact.

However, there remained one event that the pandemic had put on hold, and which had not taken place for four years: its traditional tournament. But that’s it, it has made its comeback for a 10th edition, from April 17 to May 4, 2024 at Tréport (Seine-Maritime).

New formula

We take the same and start again ! Or almost. For its return, the tournament was entitled to some small modifications. The most significant concerns its access conditions. If it was previously in the form of an open open to players classified negatively, this year it only authorized athletes classified from NC (Non-Competitors) to 15 inclusive.

Corinne Eil, president of AST Tennis, explains the reason for this change: “Welcoming players of such a level left little room for the surrounding clubs, which do not contain very high rankings. We made the choice to refocus to attract more locals, and it’s a success. Everything went very well. »

The formula indeed seems to have appealed, since 75 registered men and women competed in singles during these two and a half weeks of competition. Several clubs from the Somme and Seine-Maritime were represented, including those from Ault, Eu, Beauchamps, Abbeville, Londinières and Bois-Guillaume.


The finals of this tournament, “organized entirely by volunteers”, underlines Corinne Eil, took place on Saturday May 4.

The women’s final saw Zelie Mormino, from Tennis Club Rivery, win against Mathilde Alix, from Tennis Club de Belleville.

Videos: currently on Actu

On the men’s side, it was Simon Furgerot, member of the Ault tennis club, who won the cup by facing Frederic Binay, from the Bois-Guillaume Tennis Club.

Next meeting for AST Tennis: its Multi-Chances Tournament 3rd series, June 23, 2024.

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2024-05-09 10:36:01
#Tréport #tennis #tournament #comeback


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