Asia Tsuki: A Festival of Asian Culture in Lunel

In partnership with Geek Event and the Korean school of Montpellier, the City of Lunel is offering a 5th edition of Asia Tsuki, a festival dedicated to Asian culture. See you on May 25 at Espace Castel!

For a whole day, the City of Lunel will be on Asian time with Asia Tsuki. How about a little trip to Asia without leaving Lunel? Discover this culture without taking a plane? See you on Saturday May 25, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Espace Castel!

The Espace Castel will be transformed and adorned with Asian colors to host numerous events. There will be something for all tastes and audiences for an immersive day through the art, cuisine, games and traditions of these fascinating cultures. In the program : cosplay, calligraphy, drawings, video game tournaments, initiation and demonstration of martial arts (notably judo and aikido), cooking workshops, concerts, initiation and k-pop competitions, discovery of reflexology and tawashi, many exhibitors… A rich and varied program accessible to all!

And if there is one moment not to be missed in this day, it will be le Cosplay ! An essential part of Japanese culture, this art of disguise is a hobby that is all the rage in Japan and which is becoming a real fashion phenomenon around the world. So, Asia Tsuki decided to make it appreciated by the public with a cosplay parade. The participants, called cosplayers, do everything they can to look like their favorite characters from manga, cartoons or comics using makeup, costumes and wigs, going so far as to create their own costumes and copy the attitudes and mimicry. Another highlight, that dedicated to K-pop. The Festival will take the public into this musical universe which has seduced young people from all over the world. Straight from Korea, this unique musical style has been emulated all over the world and even in Japan. It’s a whole universe with its musical and clothing codes but also a calibrated dance. Young people will therefore be able to try their hand at K-Pop choreographies on the most famous hits. Big surprise for the public: the artist Kai Eden will be present in Lunel accompanied by his dancers. The festival will have the chance to welcome other guests like Drake Manketewriter passionate about Japanese culture, Akuma Emikoillustrator, Sire RedYoutuber and Shipstroopera young artist from Lunel whose works and drawings will be exhibited.
And if you want more details, do not hesitate to consult our partner’s website Geek Event

2024-05-16 16:01:50
#Asia #Tsuki #day #discover #Asian #cultures


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