Another mess at Can Barça: Laporta could fire Xavi in ​​the coming days

Barça is the house of trouble. An endless crisis that once again leaves Xavi Hernández on the edge of the precipice. Although this time his continuity is not in question because of the sporting results but because of his defeatist words on Wednesday at a press conference. The coach assured before traveling to Almería that next year the objective is to “incorporate people and improve” so as not to remain the same as this season and recognized that the club’s economic situation does not allow it to “compete with the best” in the market. signings. In short, a Koeman was marked.

For the history of Barça, the Dutchman’s “this is what it is” remains, which marked the beginning of the end of his time at Barça. Koeman was fired shortly after in the middle of the culé expedition after losing in Vallecas. They almost did the same thing to Xavi yesterday.

From early in the afternoon, the Catalan sports press closest to Laporta’s board suggested that Xavi’s dismissal was a matter of hours. Some journalists even dared to affirm that the news would be transmitted to them in the same style as Koeman. While the extra-sporting chaos flooded Can Barça, the culés were playing for second place – and the ticket for the Super Cup – in Almería. They won and the waters calmed down, at least for the moment because neither Laporta nor Deco were present in the box. A surprising gesture.

Despite the victory, the same people who claimed that Xavi had a foot and a half out of Barça yesterday, maintain it. “99% are out,” Jota Jordi said yesterday in ‘El Chiringuito’ and Ser spoke of “pressure” from managers on the president so that Xavi does not continue as head of the bench. But the most forceful of all is the newspaper Sport, which speaks of a “decision made.” “Xavi will not continue at Barça,” they headline their digital edition.

When the coach was asked yesterday right after the match, he was surprised by the importance of the matter: «The club has not told me anything, the relationship does not change. Yesterday (Wednesday) I said it, we are going to fight for all the titles, but that the situation is complicated and that the club is the one that is working the most to reverse this economic situation. He qualified his defeatist words but failed to put out the umpteenth fire that affects Can Barça this season.

Not even three weeks have passed since the president and coach staged their agreement to continue together next season. Xavi had reversed his decision to leave Barça in June, Laporta forgot to look for a replacement that would not cause an earthquake in the club’s delicate financial accounts and the fans were more or less satisfied. But yesterday everything exploded again and the game returns to the starting point.

2024-05-17 06:54:19
#mess #Barça #Laporta #fire #Xavi #coming #days


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