Ankoay Still in the Running for Olympic Qualification: A Chance for Redemption

Ankoay Still in the Running for Olympic Qualification: A Chance for Redemption

Antananarivo, May 18, 11:30 a.m. – The Ankoay are not yet mathematically eliminated. They still have a chance, admittedly small but a chance nonetheless, of qualifying for the next round of the Olympic qualifying tournament in Debrecen. To advance to the quarter-finals, the Malagasy must absolutely win against the Swiss, then hope that the Lithuanians win against the Germans. It is the cumulative number of points won by Madagascar, Germany and Switzerland which will then decide which of the three will qualify for the quarter-finals.

In its first two matches, Madagascar was beaten twice. A first time by Lithuania with a score of 13 to 21, and a second time at the buzzer by Germany with a score of 16 to 17. Switzerland, its opponent this Saturday, won against Germany (19- 18) but was beaten by Lithuania (18-21). Like Switzerland, Germany also won a match, that against Madagascar, and lost another, against Switzerland.

It will therefore be a question for Elly Randriamampionona and her teammates of finishing their tournament in style this Saturday, after the bitter defeat against Germany. “This defeat against the Germans was really difficult for the group to digest,” confides Nina Ruffin Zafisambo, the general manager of Ankoay on site. “Many positive points can be drawn from these two matches for the Malagasy,” he nevertheless consoles himself. “We should further strengthen our explosiveness and our aggressiveness in defense to compensate for the deficits in size and physique,” ​​he continues.

2024-05-18 10:23:47
#BASKETBALL #3X3 #Ankoays #learn #lessons #chance #match #Switzerland


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