Animal Defenders Demand Answers from Mexican Authorities for Lack of Progress in Care Plan

Members of independent organizations animal defenders They took to the streets this day to demand answers to the Mexican authorities because they comment, in eight months of the administration of teacher Delfina Gómez Álvarez, there is no progress in the care of pets, instead the number of animal population on the streets has increased after the reduction in sterilizations massive.

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They made a strong claim to the state government because they comment that despite the commitment made by the Mexican president to promote a care plan for companion animals, until now there is nothing; They claimed the absence of the president in the meetings held for the recently signed agreement which establishes animal rescue and protection actions.

“The presence of us, who do 90% of the work in animal welfare in all municipal fields, was not considered in that agreement and meeting. We do the main work and it is one of the jobs to be in agreement with the governments,” expressed the activists.

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During the mobilization they expressed that the governor sought them out at the beginning of her administration to combat aggression and animal abuse, so they prostrated themselves outside the Government House on Paseo Colón to demand to be received.

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The representatives of the organizations demanded that they be taken into account and that the state authorities comply with what they promised because, they commented, The care plan had a goal of 45 thousand sterilizations per month. and only 2 thousand have been reached, which they consider “ridiculous.”

“Nothing has been done, the truth is that they reduced sterilizations substantially. Constant and permanent work is needed here, not just one campaign a year for 200 or a thousand animals, that is insufficient. There are no work tables.”

2024-05-18 12:54:11
#march #animal #rights #Toluca


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