Andre Agassi’s Sweet Mother’s Day Gesture to Steffi Graf After 25 Years Together

Andre Agassi’s love for Steffi Graf has not faded even after 25 years together. The tennis star now proves this with an emotional gesture.

Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf became a couple in 1999 and have since shared not only their passion for playing tennis, but above all a life together for a quarter of a century. After their wedding in 2001, their children Jaden Gil and Jaz Elle Agassi were born. Two life events that her father remembered on Mother’s Day and also made a declaration of love for Graf.

In his Instagram story, Andre Agassi shared pictures showing his wife with their children. In a first picture she can be seen with her son Jaden Gil as a child. The now 22-year-old was born on October 26, 2001, just four days after his parents’ wedding. “Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! I love you,” reads a comment on the picture that Jaden was tagged in, which can also be found on his Instagram story.

In a second photo in Andre Agassi’s story, Steffi Graf can also be seen with her daughter Jaz Elle. The latter was also tagged in the post and shared it on her social media account. “Happy Mother’s Day to my superhero,” it says about their picture together.

October seems to be of great importance in the Graf-Agassi household. Jaz Elle, now 20, was born on October 3, 2003, the same month her parents got married and her big brother was born.

Andre Agassi honors Steffi Graf with a post

In addition to the Instagram stories that show Steffi Graf with her children, Andre Agassi also dedicated a post to his wife in his feed. He shared a black and white portrait of the tennis legend, which he simply but meaningfully commented on with a red heart.

The public display of love may have touched Steffi Graf. However, how she actually reacted to this can only be guessed at since she doesn’t have an Instagram account herself. Numerous fans commented on the post. “Steffi is truly a legend. A human being. She played in my hometown when she was young,” an Instagram user expresses his admiration for the athlete.

Other followers are probably similarly big fans. “Very charming and beautiful woman! One can only envy Agassi”, “My favorite player, the best!” and “Simply beautiful,” says the comments. “You are a perfect couple. You deserve everything, Mr. and Mrs. Tennis,” one user also raves about Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf’s long-standing relationship.

2024-05-13 15:20:46
#Andre #Agassi #surprises #token #love #Mothers #Day


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