Anderlecht to Reward Players with 1.5 Million Euro if They Win National Title

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Anderlecht will reward its players if they win the national title. A sum of approximately 1.5 million euros is then provided to be distributed among the players. That amounts to an average of 50,000 euros per man. Although it will vary a bit per cup because there is a distribution key based on playing minutes.

Striking: the RSCA receive the same amount if they come second and still qualify for the Champions League through the preliminary rounds

It has been since 2017 that Anderlecht won the Belgian title again. In recent years there has never been any question of a champion’s premium, but on Sunday against Club Brugge or the following week in Antwerp, the spell can be broken. It is therefore not illogical that a financial reward has been agreed between the RSCA players and the management.

Winning the top prize can earn the people of Brussels a pretty penny. It has been agreed that the players can count on around 50,000 euros per person. Nevertheless, it will not be the same amount for everyone. It is logical that boys who played almost every minute, such as Zeno Debast or Anders Dreyer, earn a little more than their colleagues who were less between the lines. Think of Nilsson Angulo.

What is even more striking is that RSCA players can also cash the same amount if they finish second in the Jupiler Pro League. There is a strict condition attached to this. They must then qualify for the Champions League groups this summer. The Belgian vice-champion will ‘only’ compete in the third preliminary round of the reformed champions’ ball and who knows, qualification may be feasible. For the record champion, the Champions League would certainly be a jackpot. Participation in the highest European competition certainly guarantees around 30 million in income.

Not like before

Compared to the past, the current champion premium is not that high. In 2016 – when Anderlecht only finished third – the premium amounted to no less than 200,000 euros gross per player. In 2018, this amounted to approximately 140,000 euros gross per man. Times have changed in the Astrid Park and the years when exuberant amounts were offered are over. Anderlecht has come a long way in terms of sport, but the Purple & White also went through very deep valleys financially. At the beginning of this season, a champion’s premium was hardly even considered in Lotto Park because the national crown did not seem that realistic after last season’s 11th place. Although there are of course players who have certain salary bonuses in their contracts if certain sporting objectives are achieved: the title, Champions League qualification, individual prizes…

It is now up to the Anderlecht team to win that 35th Purple & White title.

2024-05-16 01:00:00
#needed #extra #motivation #title #bonus #Anderlecht #player #receives #champions


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