Anderlecht on the Verge of Celebrating 35th National Title: A Closer Look at Their Surprising Success

Will the sky completely clear over Lotto Park on Sunday? There are some conditions attached to it, but if the pieces of the puzzle come together, Anderlecht can celebrate its 35th national title on Sunday evening. Unexpected and unexpected after all the misery of recent years, but deserved after all the efforts of various actors, according to our interlocutors in Sporza Daily.

“I believed in it, yes.”

The believers at the start of this season could probably be counted on one hand, but for Olivier Deschacht, a possible title for Anderlecht did not come completely out of the blue.

Or is it? “I expected them to participate because they had bought well, but I certainly didn’t think they would play champions,” he quickly explains in Sporza Daily.

Side note: there is still the story of the skin and the bear, but Deschacht does not want to hear about a doomsday scenario.

“You may not get such an opportunity too soon. Anderlecht has been struggling for 7 years. Now you are there with a home match against Club Brugge. You cannot hand this over.”

I’m happy that I can now talk positively about them again, happy that “my” Anderlecht is doing well. I wish it for everyone, including the people who worked very hard behind the scenes.

Olivier Deschacht

“Playing champions with Anderlecht is the best thing there is,” muses the former captain. He was able to experience “the discharge” himself 8 times.

“With Anderlecht you are always a title candidate and when you win, it gives such a relief. The pressure is very high, isn’t it.”

But since the last title in 2017, the purple and white have been in free fall. “I have often had to defend RSCA in recent years and that was tiring and difficult.”

“I am happy that I can now talk positively about them again, happy that “my” Anderlecht is doing well. I wish everyone the best, including the people who worked very hard behind the scenes.”

Olivier Deschacht at the celebration of Anderlecht’s last title for the time being.

Champagne football

Can Olivier Deschacht, good for 603 matches for the Purple & White, explain how the turnaround came about?

“It was important to stay calm this time and not change too much. Now it’s paying off. Tabula rasa, they’ve done enough of that. They also gave their trainer time.”

“Brian Riemer knows his team and knows what the flaws and qualities of his players are. He responds well to them and the team spirit is very good. The group hangs together and I see smiling faces on the bench. That’s a compliment to Riemer.”

Although football is not always something to cheer about. “It has become results football. I am still waiting for the reference match where you say: this is a champion team.”

“It is a bit reminiscent of Anderlecht under René Weiler with that last title. So it can be done that way.”

And then you turn your heart into a stone a little easier. “It may be un-Anderlecht, but this Anderlecht doesn’t need champagne football or whatever.”

“They just have to win a prize to regain the status of yesteryear. You have to play champion and then those 7 years are wiped off the map.”

2nd place is not enough to get back there and be the Anderlecht of the past. You must play champion to claim that status.

Olivier Deschacht

Deschacht emphasizes this several times: it is not a must to play eye-catching football on Sunday. Although there are still catches and the competition is not over yet.

“Imagine that Anderlecht still finishes 2nd or 3rd. Then it will continue as normal, right,” he refers to the years of drought and the period full of doom and gloom.

“Once again: this Anderlecht needs a prize to get back on the map. Otherwise we can have this conversation again in a year.”

“2nd place is not enough to get back there and be the Anderlecht of the past. You have to play champion to claim that status.”

“It would definitely give a huge boost, also financially. Then you can keep and buy players. Then you will see Anderlecht again, which competes for the title every season until the last match day.”

Olivier Deschacht defended the colors of RSCA for 20 years.

Sleepless nights

The Verschueren family has Anderlecht blood running through the veins. Michael Verschueren is a former shareholder and served on the board of directors for 12 years.

“We have been trying to get back to the top for years and we are now so close. I have not been sleeping well for a while because I am looking forward to Sunday,” Verschueren junior underlines the importance of the upcoming match day.

This matchball comes unexpectedly for Verschueren. “Everyone on the board was happy with the top 4. The fact that we now have an unexpected chance of winning the title is a godsend for everyone.”

“A 35th title would give the club the opportunity to further develop Anderlecht. The club needs this.”

“We are used to celebrating successes and you now have the opportunity to join. Financially this is very important and for people like Wouter Vandenhaute and Marc Coucke it is a gift after their efforts.”

“We hope that this is a definitive turning point. With a good policy you can remain a title candidate in the coming years.”

I hope that Anderlecht can become number 1 in Belgium again and that this club can also be taken into account in Europe. The name Anderlecht continues to resonate among Europe’s top clubs as a club with a great track record.

Michael Verschueren

It seems as if Anderlecht has finally put together the right cocktail. “There have been disappointing transfers in recent years, the policy has been difficult financially and you also have to be lucky.”

“Now there is a team that is steadfast and can work in a future-oriented way to take the club back to the top.”

“I hope that Anderlecht can become number 1 in Belgium again and that this club can also be taken into account in Europe again.”

“The name Anderlecht continues to resonate among Europe’s top clubs as a club with a great track record. Hopefully we can participate in the Champions League and achieve successes like Club Brugge has done in recent years.”

“You now have to maintain this spirit. And if you have to accommodate departures, you can look at the scouting apparatus, because steps have also been taken there. The football vision is there to strengthen the team in the right way, just as Union and Club are now doing. have been doing for a while.”

But will Anderlecht possibly be the deserved champion? “If you have one point more, you deserve the title based on the sporting results.”

“And especially after the pressure you have had to function under, it is deserved. Many other clubs have also had a difficult situation and are still in it.”

Michael Verschueren took a step back from Anderlecht some time ago, but is still a big supporter of the Purple & White.

2024-05-16 14:05:38
#godsend #follow #champagne #football #Anderlecht #win #prize


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