Allegri-Juve, move for dismissal: disciplinary complaint in addition to dismissal

The Editorial Staff Friday 17 May 2024, 11.29pm

Important news at home Juventus regarding the dismissal of Massimiliano Allegri. The Juventus club released an official statement today announcing the separation from the now former coach Old lady after the victory in Italian Cup. According to the latest rumors from Sky Sport the managing director Maurizio Scanavino, inside the letter delivered to the Livorno coach, he added the disciplinary complaint. Allegri should therefore provide a defense statement through his lawyers within five days.

Allegri-Juve, what happens now

Based on what comes out, the Juventus club will decide what to do. This type of procedure is preparatory to dismissal for just cause. Therefore, in the event that the indiscretion was confirmed, a settlement would need to be found (in any case not immediate), or the case could continue together with the trial and all that follows until the possible termination of the contract. There Old lady he may also want to move forward in an attempt to save money in view of the salary to continue to be paid to Allegri until 30 June 2025, as per the contract. Since there is no collective agreement, as far as timing is concerned everything depends on the coach’s contract. For similar cases it could take about ten days. In any case, no dynamics can be ruled out at the moment. A possible solution is also one that leads to an agreement between the parties to avoid a long dispute.

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2024-05-17 21:29:25
#AllegriJuve #move #dismissal #disciplinary #complaint #addition #dismissal


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