Alexander Blessin Encourages Cercle Ahead of Crucial Match Against Club Brugge

”I hope you have already learned your lessons next week.” Alexander Blessin had perhaps sensed it, but even before knowing that the Club was going to beat Anderlecht, on Sunday at around 4 p.m., he slipped in a little word of encouragement to his Cercle counterpart in a humorous tone. Miron Muslic had just hailed the Union’s “deserved” victory and promised not to give up anything against the Club next Sunday. “We will have to learn lessons from this defeat. There is one last match left, a big challenge for us; and a derby. I’m already looking forward to it,” the Austrian T1 had just concluded.

His team will have a lot to gain in a Bruges-Bruges match which will not necessarily be a formality, for the Club: getting its first European ticket since 2010; not let his hated rival become champion before his eyes… and help the Union, a historically “friendly” club.

For his part, Hugo Siquet, on loan from Fribourg, explained on Sunday that this will be his last match with Cercle. “My loan will end and there is no chance of me staying after that.”

2024-05-21 04:47:00
#Cercle #Bruges #triple #motivated #put #spoke #wheels #Club #Sunday


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