Alexander Blessin: A Coach Celebrates Emotional Cup Victory with Heartfelt Words and Tears

Alexander Blessin could not contain his emotions after the Cup victory. The journalists waited for him for two hours and when he finally entered the press room, he immediately warned: “Don’t expect intelligent words from me…”

Blessin’s emotions were magnificent to see. “Last season you lost the title in the last ten minutes. These last ten minutes now… And that last whistle… That’s when it happens,” he said. It starts.

The fact that his family was there made things even better. Particularly his wife Charlotte, who had a spinal cord attack last year and is partially paralyzed. “It meant everything to me that she was there,” Blessin said, her eyes full of tears of happiness. “It’s not often that my wife can come.”

Go party? Two beers and I’m standing on the table dancing

“I was wondering: should I let her come to the stadium, should I leave her at home… But she deserves it. She is part of me. This title is for her. I thank my staff, who are the best of the world. And the players deserve it so much. The little piece that is mine, I give it to my wife. What I told her when I entered the stands. Many things, but above all that I love her. .”

For the 50-year-old coach, this is the first grand prize of his career. “I’ve won a lot of prizes at the youth level, you know. And actually, I’ve only been coaching professionally for four years. So 1 title in four years isn’t bad at all, huh.”

And for the rest of the evening? “Well, I’m not a good drinker. Two beers and I’m standing on the table dancing. I think I’ll let the players party among themselves. They’ll have tomorrow off. I’ve seen some very good dance moves in the locker room, I can’t compete with that But I heard some singing and I think I’m better at it.”

2024-05-09 21:20:00
#Alexander #Blessins #great #moment #emotion #Cup #Tout #football


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