AFA-FIU Diploma in Sports Leadership: Global Registration Opens June 3rd

The timing of the submission: Global registration will begin on Monday, June 3

The first Diploma in Sports Leadership worldwide is a reality, thanks to the agreement announced this Tuesday by the Argentine Football Association and the Florida International University (FIU), which combined their knowledge and experience to develop it together, after six months of work and coordination between the parties.

The AFA-FIU Diploma in Sports Leadership is an educational initiative specializing in leadership in the sports field, which will be taught in 10 consecutive weekly modules, with a strong focus on resolving everyday dilemmas in the industry and in pursuit of providing creative tools to problem solving in a highly demanding environment.

The initiative came from the world champion entity, which identified the existence of a global demand for specialization in this field and allied itself with Florida International University, one of the largest and most prestigious public research universities in the United States.

Based in Miami, global registration for the Diploma will be on Monday, June 3 and the first module will be taught on Thursday, June 27. All modules will be taught both in person at the university facilities for American students and residents, and virtually for those who cannot follow the classes live.

The modules will be taught by references and leaders in the football industry, and will be available on the virtual platform for each of those registered. “We are excited and proud to form together with Florida International University the first Diploma in Leadership in the world. AFA positions itself not only as a leader in the industry for its sports performance, but also for its management capacity and resolution of essential leadership issues that the sports industry raises. For Argentine football, it is an important day, since the world diploma will seek to export and contribute to the world a way of understanding the most beautiful sport in the world,” said Claudio Tapia, president of the AFA.

“We want to wish all the students the greatest success and thank the Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC) of Florida International University for their trust in carrying out this beautiful initiative,” Chiqui concluded.

The coordination work to deliver the Diploma took six months

For her part, Shlomi Dinar, Dean of the Steven J. Green School of International Public Affairs at FIU, said: “I am delighted that our agreement with the AFA, signed last fall, has quickly led to this excellent collaboration between our Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC) and the talented leadership of the successful Argentine Soccer Association. This new Sports Leadership Diploma will not only leverage the immense experience and knowledge of the AFA, but will also benefit from the sports ecosystem of South Florida, with its professional American football, basketball, baseball, ice hockey and soccer teams, and its celebration of the Copa América in 2024, the Club World Cup in 2025 and the World Cup in 2026.

After the announcement, Leandro Petersen, Commercial and Marketing Manager of AFA, highlighted: “The expansion work that we have carried out over these six years in the international positioning of Argentine football as a management model; The importance of exporting our talent to the world, and being able to direct our methodology through a university educational program, make the AFA today a model institution worldwide. We thank Florida International University, its directors and all its students, for their interest in generating this valuable space for the sports community, and we are convinced of being able to increase the value and management capacity of the new generation of industry leaders. ”.

2024-05-22 02:44:00
#Historic #agreement #AFA #Florida #International #University


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