Active Kids School for Lombardy: A Day of Celebration in Mantua and Varese

Attiva Kids School: protagonist arc in Mantua and Varese


Type: National Discipline: Various

Four capitals and one big party. Lombardy experienced a great day of sport on Wednesday 15 May.

Four capitals and one big party. Lombardy experienced a great day of sport on Wednesday 15 May. There were over 3000 boys and girls from Lombardy who gave life to the “widespread sports celebrations at school”, the final moment of the “Active Kids School for Lombardy” project. Not even the bad weather stopped the charge of the kids who were engaged in indoor structures, a perfectly successful plan B for the organization of Sport and Health considering that originally all the events were supposed to be held outdoors.

The project aims to spread physical activity and game-sport, promote correct lifestyles and provide unforgettable experiences thanks also to many innovative proposals: the “AttiviAMOci” information campaign and the contest on the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, a series of webinars for tutors and teachers, the teaching kit easily accessible online, on the Sport and Health website, active breaks, moments of activation to be carried out during the school day, with a brand new format aimed at interrupt sedentary lifestyle, produce learning efficiency, promote creativity and learning through movement, with 5-15 minute sessions and a multidisciplinary approach, Wellbeing Days in a natural environment and end-of-year Games, to be organized in schools.

In total, 25 federations were involved, including FITARCO which participated in the events in Mantua and Varese. In the first city, the many students were managed by the technicians of Asd Arcieri Gonzaga: Enzo Branchini, Giuseppe Penzo, Alfio Torresan. Present in Varese were Arcieri Stadium Besozzo with Lucia Ballan and Arcieri Varese with Mariangela Casartelli, with the logistical support of Paolo Canevesi, Arcieri Varese athlete. The archery was so successful, many boys and girls were amazed from the oldest of modern sports. Each arrow brought a smile and a different emotion to the over 1800 kids who tried our sport between the two locations, in dedicated spaces and in complete safety. Children and not only because the two Legends of Varese also showed up in front of the target and with a real Olympic bow in their hands: Alessia Filippi and Filippo Magnini, among the most victorious Italian swimmers in history.

“Active school for kids”, a project that Lombardy involved 726 primary school groups, 6,600 classes and 133,230 pupils, is not yet finished, indeed it awaits its final stage. Now the appointment is set for May 29th when 2,300 students from the area will be in Milan as protagonists in the last event of the “widespread celebrations” which represent the highlight of “Scuola Attiva kids per la Lombardia”, a project which, with its first edition, integrated the national initiative «Scuola Attiva kids» – promoted at national level by Sport and Health and the Ministry of Education and Merit (MIM), in collaboration with the Minister for Sport and Youth and the Department for Sport of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – guaranteeing the presence of a specialized figure, the School Sports Tutor, with a degree in Sports Sciences, in the 1st classes. 2nd and 3rd; practical training meetings in person for tutors and teachers and large project events.

2024-05-21 17:16:56
#FITArco #News


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