9th place in the world championship for the Latvian hockey team with two Jelgav players

9th place for the Latvian ice hockey team with two Jelgav players in the world championship

The Latvian men’s ice hockey team finished their participation in the world championship in 9th place. Two players from Jelgava also played in the national team – Renārs Krastenbergs (no. 9) and Dans Ločmelis (no. 85).

The Latvian national team played seven games in the subgroup, winning four and losing three. Our team beat Poland in extra time with the result 5:4, the French team was also beaten in extra time with the result 3:2, we won Kazakhstan in the regular time with the result 2:0, we lost to Germany with the result 1:8, Sweden – with the result 2:7, we beat Slovakia in the post-match in a series of throws or in bulls with a score of 3:2. Bullets Dans Ločmelis scored twice, bringing victory to the Latvian national team. In the last game of the subgroup against the USA, we lost with the result 3:6, but our national team’s first goal against the result 0:3 was scored by Renārs Krastenbergs. The earned points were not enough to enter the playoffs, and the Latvian national team ended the championship in 9th place.

Both players from Jelgava were also part of the bronze team of Latvia and won historic medals at the world championship last year, but this year they had the opportunity to play in the same shift.

“The championship was quite difficult, because there were several matches two days in a row and this year practically the best teams from other national teams were gathered. I got a lot of positive emotions from the championship and enjoyed every moment. It was very good to play in the same shift with Krastenberg, and I think we got along quite well,” Dans Lochmelis evaluates the championship. Renārs Krastenbergs also speaks positively about playing in the same shift with Jelgavnieks: “Playing with Loča was good, it’s a pity that we didn’t get to throw naked. In general, we played quite well in the championship, but we did not reach the goal of entering the quarterfinals, so there is a feeling of bitterness. About my naked – the feelings are good, I hadn’t scored a goal in the championship for a long time, so it was such a relief for myself!”

It should be noted that from August 29 to September 1, the Olympic qualification tournament will take place in Riga, in which, in addition to Latvia, France, Slovenia and Ukraine will compete. The winners of the group will get the right to participate in the 2026 Olympic Games.

2024-05-23 11:01:12
#9th #place #world #championship #Latvian #hockey #team #Jelgav #players


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