9th Gyeongsangnam-do Education Cold Disabled Students Sports Festival Showcases Athletes’ Abilities

Delivery time2024-05-23 14:46

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The 9th Gyeongsangnam-do Education Cold Disabled Students Sports Festival

[경남도교육청 제공. 재판매 및 DB 금지]

(Changwon = Yonhap News) Reporter Kim Dong-min = The Gyeongnam Provincial Office of Education held the 9th Gyeongsangnam-do Education Cold Sports Competition for Disabled Students at the Changwon Sports Park auxiliary stadium on the 23rd.

On this day, about 1,500 students and instructors from special schools (elementary, middle, and high schools in the province) participated in the competition.

This competition was prepared to select Gyeongnam national team players who will participate in the 19th National Sports Festival for Students with Disabilities to be held next year, discover new players, and promote health.

Participating students competed in 19 sports, including swimming and badminton.

Prior to the competition, a Taekwondo Nanta performance for the disabled and a cheering performance by disabled and non-disabled students were held to heat up the competition atmosphere.

Superintendent Park Jong-hoon encouraged, “I support your courage in running for your dreams by constantly working hard with challenge and passion.”

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2024/05/23 14:46 Sent

2024-05-23 07:16:55
#Gyeongnam #Education #Cold #Athletics #Competition #Disabled #Students #held.. #sports #participants


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