8 things not to do in Aruba for a relaxing holiday

It’s very easy to find a lot of information online about what to do and what to visit during a trip to Aruba, small island in the Southern Caribbean famous for its white beaches and turquoise sea. However, it is more complicated to find out what NOT to do on the island, what habits or activities to avoid to make the most of this dream trip: here 8 precious tips on what not to do during your holiday in a tropical paradise like Aruba.
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1. DO NOT rush and let yourself go to what is called “island time”

Remember, you are in the Caribbean, not in Milan! Here everyone follows “island time”, that is, a slower pace dictated by the hours of light, the noise of the sea and the constant breeze. It may take a few days to get used to, but once you do it will be a wonderful and regenerating feeling.

2. DON’T worry about the weather: Aruba is out of the hurricane track

Most Caribbean islands have a rainy season and of course a hurricane season. Being located very far south in the Caribbean area, Aruba is instead out of the hurricane path, factor that makes it a destination that can be visited at any time of the year: it will not be necessary to look at the weather before your departure, the island enjoys an average temperature of 28° with a little wind all year round. Having a very low annual rainfall rate, Aruba is a desert island characterized by succulent plants, aloe and expanses of cacti of all shapes.

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3. DON’T take the Dutch part too seriously

Yes, Aruba fpart of Dutch territory but it is an independent island which presents very different characteristics and facets within it: from languages ​​to cuisine, from traditions to its people. The local population is tamong the most welcoming in the world, smiling and relaxed: Aruba will make you feel at home, away from home. Furthermore, practically all the inhabitants of the island are multilingual and speak 4 languages: Papiamento, which is the local language, Dutch, English and Spanish, making communication very simple and immediate. The food is also extremely varied and, despite a strong component of Caribbean cuisine based on fishcollects and mixes different influences, bringing ingredients such as rice, polenta and many tasty and spicy sauces into the dishes.

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4. DON’T miss the rest of the island

Most of the resorts are concentrated between Eagle Beach and Palm Beach, two of the most beautiful beaches in the world. But it is essential not to miss the other side of the island, qthe wildest and most authentic one that characterizes part of the hinterland and the North-East coast: venturing among the colorful houses, reaching the uncontaminated views within the Arikok National Park or taking a tour among the colorful murals of San Nicolas are just some of the experiences you can have when you go in search of the most authentic, Caribbean and wild island.

5. DON’T forget your sunscreen, the sun always shines!

The sun is quite strong in Aruba, but thanks to its trade winds the temperature is always pleasant. This is why you run the risk of getting burned! It is therefore fundamental protect yourself, always using a hat and high sun protection (without oxybenzone, or you will damage the coral reef!).

6. DON’T think you only have to take guided excursions

Thanks to the security enjoyed by the island, it is possible in Aruba rent a car and venture out in complete safety. There are numerous agencies that offer excursions by jeep or bus to discover Aruba, but if you want to do it independently it is absolutely possible and safe (indeed, recommended!). The road conditions are excellent, the driving is like in Italy and finding your way is very simple (but if you need directions, the inhabitants will be happy to help you).

7. DO NOT damage precious local biodiversity

Everyone can contribute to the protection of Aruba’s delicate ecosystem by implementing small precautions, such as do not take any type of material from the beach, such as corals and shells: actions that may seem harmless but which damage the ecosystem in which each of these components plays a role. It is also important not to leave rubbish on the beach and not to drive cars or horses over the sand, fundamental practices not only for protect sea turtle nests – which arise along the coasts of Aruba from May to November – but for all the animals that live in these environments. On the other hand, given what nature gives us in Aruba, it seems right to resist it, right?

8. DO NOT walk on the beach during the hottest hours

…That’s not true, actually the sand on Aruba’s beaches has a particular composition, thanks to the presence of corals and shells which gives it not only an extraordinary beauty, but also a sensation of constant freshness. You can take long walks on the beach at any time of the day, even at midday!


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2024-05-15 06:00:41
#Aruba #relaxing #holiday


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