(sg – May 19, 2024) Strengthened by the two victories, we went to Hanover last Saturday. The SG has improved somewhat offensively. The training could also be intensified. Unfortunately, 3 players from Bückeburg had to cancel and so only one went to the game in Hanover.

When we arrived in Hanover, after the warm-up, it quickly became clear that the third team was not, as usual, Bundesliga teams playing as warm-up or batting practice for the upcoming Bundesliga game the following day, but rather Hanover natives and newcomers.

The first innings of the first game were accordingly open. The SG hit all the strikes and got on base very often, but the Hanoverians defended with a lot of passion. Nevertheless, the SG gained an 11-0 lead by the end of the third inning.

At the start of the 4th inning, Fabian “Fabe” Ruppelt moved to the mount for veteran Merlin Kraus. As a result, the hosts were able to score 7 runs in 2 innings, but were no longer able to catch up with the leading SG with a total of 21 runs until the last inning.

Final score: 7:21 for the SG.

At the start of the second game, the SG didn’t get a lucky pitch. Pitcher Ruppelt conjured one or two thrown balls past the Hanoverians’ club, but often did not hit the strike zone, so that the hosts earned the maximum possible number of points of 5, and thus 1 more than the Alfelder and Bückeburgers.

Ruppelt was followed by Mattes Plock on the mount, who made short work of the hosts in the second inning: 3 up – 3 down. While the SG achieved the maximum score of 5 in every inning from the 2nd inning onwards, the Hanoverians were only able to score 11 runs in total.

The SG was able to experiment a lot in the games and give the less experienced players more playing time. The Hanoverians were also able to use their own talent to gain experience. We will have two more exciting encounters over the course of the season.

With four wins from 3 match days, you always play 2 games in one day, the SG continues to consolidate second place in the table. The average is 0.667, in other words: 66.7% of all games are wins.

Played for the SG

  • Matt Pock (Alfeld)
  • Karim El Helue (A)
  • Benjamin Vaartmann (Bückeburg)
  • Merlin Kraus (A)
  • Carolin Herr (A)
  • Maximilian Heerda (A)
  • Alina Wehmann (A)
  • Malte Epmeier (A)
  • Fabian Ruppelt (A)
  • Corbidian Piechatbek (A)
  • Tim Scharbatke (A)

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2024-05-19 11:44:08
#Baseball #Strong #performance #AlfeldBückeburg #Hannover #Regents #BückeburgLokal


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