Judo: how Lombardo managed the category change

Since 2021 – the year in which he boasted the title of European champion – al 2023, Manuel Lombardo changed weight class, from 66 to 73 kgwithout apparently suffering from the change of category.

“It was a work in progress, no one knew how I would do in the 73kg. I felt good straight away.”

This is because, even before, the Italian has always shared the tatami with athletes of a different size than his.

“In training I have always fought with lighter or heavier people and I have always adapted well to the different types of judo”.

The results also say so: after moving up to the higher weight class, Lombardo came second in the Doha World Cup in 2023second world championship silver after the one in 2021 in Budapest in the 66kg.

“The difficulties are the same as before – he continues – because the level is very high. He was also at 66kg, there are a lot of champions in this category.”

“In the end, the races are won by those who make the fewest mistakes and I will try to make as few as possible.”

2024-05-19 06:07:34
#Manuel #Lombardo #seeks #redemption #Paris #missing #podium #Olympics


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