The delegate of the Treasury, Public Administrations and Digital Transformation in the province of Ciudad Real, Inmaculada Jiménez, attended yesterday afternoon in Tomelloso the awards ceremony for the Regional School Age Sports Championship in the discipline of badminton in the sub categories. -11, sub-13, sub-15 and sub-17 which had 543 participants representing 108 entities. The mayor of Tomelloso, Javier Navarro, and the Sports Councilor Benjamín de Sebastián were also present.

In this sense, Jiménez highlighted the work carried out by the Government of Castilla-La Mancha in promoting school sports with the philosophy of understanding it as a school of values ​​in which camaraderie, respect, equality and solidarity are combined.

And a very powerful instrument for this is the ‘Somos Deporte 3-18’ program that the Community Board deploys every year, with a size that in the province of Ciudad Real amounts to 48,000 boys and girls participating in multiple sports activities. and 4,500 school-age events in the current fiscal year 2024, precisely a special year in which Castilla-La Mancha is the protagonist as the European Sports Region.

2024-05-19 09:26:33
#Inmaculada #Jiménez #attended #yesterday #Tomelloso #awards #ceremony #Regional #School #Age #Sports #Championship #discipline #badminton


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