Estêvão Willian drives them all crazy. One of the most highly rated players in South American football, the winger, aged only 17, is being courted by the biggest European teams. In this little game, PSG thought it could count on the expertise of its sports advisor Luis Campos, whose negotiating work in Brazil recently bore fruit (see the recruitments of Lucas Berlado and Gabriel Moscardo). But as we have reported to you in recent days, the man nicknamed “Messinho” for his stylistic resemblance to the Argentine world champion is in the process of signing up with Chelsea.

“Messinho” will sign for Chelsea

Indeed, the Blues managed to reach an agreement with Palmeiras, the training club of Estêvão Willian. With the key being a big check for Brazilian training. Fabrizio Romano understands that the agreement concerns a transaction of 40 million euros, plus 25 million bonuses. In South America, some sources mention an amount of 65 million euros guaranteed, without the achievement of prior objectives. As a reminder, under the law, Estêvão Willian, linked to Palmeiras until 2026, will only be able to cross the Atlantic once he turns 18. He will have them on April 24, 2025. For its part, PSG will be able to continue to prospect the market for tomorrow’s nuggets.

2024-05-19 07:10:34
#Luis #Campos #furious #Brazilian #crack #escapes


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