Carolina Marín, banner of Spanish women’s sport, Olympic gold and with three world titles in the specialty of badminton, has been awarded the Princess of Asturias Sports Award. A well-deserved distinction to a extraordinary sports career in an Asian sport, a minority and almost unknown in Spain, which the champion put on the European map.

The Huelva native treasures values that are scarce in this society of intolerance of frustration and the intended achievement of achievements with immediacy and with minimal effort. They highlight his herculean spirit of overcoming, his consolidated resilience, his valiant efforts, his unconditional sacrifice, his enthusiastic dedication and his inexhaustible competitive desire.

has overcome major injuries and adversities with his unwavering mental strength. She possesses overwhelming talent in a sport of which she is a reference and legend. My congratulations to a happy, simple and natural champion.

2024-05-19 05:35:17
#congratulations #welldeserved #champion #Carolina #Marín


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