Dresden – It may look good and please many fans. Nevertheless, the use of pyrotechnics in the football stadium is not without and, above all, prohibited.

During the third division game between Dynamo Dresden against MSV Duisburg (4-0), several people were injured by pyrotechnics. The police have started an investigation into grievous bodily harm.

“In the second half of the football game, around 100 people set off pyrotechnics in the K-Block (the Ultras’ fan block, ed.) of the Rudolf Harbig Stadium. The perpetrators had previously masked themselves,” said police spokesman Uwe Hofmann on Saturday evening.

A Dresden flag in front of a black wall

Photo: Olaf Rentsch

According to police, at least four people were injured by the smoke flares. A young man (18) suffered respiratory irritation and burns, and a woman (19) also suffered respiratory irritation.

In addition, a young person (15) suffered from shortness of breath and a 13-year-old was in shock. All four fans received medical care on site.

It doesn’t look healthy: thick black smoke billowed through the Dresden K-Block

Photo: Olaf Rentsch

Investigations against fan with tattooed SS runes

The police are also investigating a man for using the license plates of unconstitutional organizations. Hofmann: “The 34-year-old German showed a tattoo with SS runes on the way to the stadium.”

Also interesting


Also interesting


A 46-year-old German insulted police officers in the Parkstrasse area after the game. He received a corresponding notice. A total of 264 emergency services secured the third division game. The Dresden Police Department was supported by the Saxon riot police.

In addition, Dynamo Dresden is threatened with a hefty fine from the DFB because setting off pyrotechnics in the football stadium is prohibited.

Just at the beginning of the year, the club was fined 90,000 euros by the DFB sports court for setting off pyrotechnics! Specifically, it was about 240 flares that were burned before and during the third division game against Halleschen FC (2-1) at the beginning of October 2023.

Fan riots: Rioters laugh at the police

Source: Facebook @Dresden Football Museum ; Twitter @fussballassis08.05.2024

2024-05-18 20:14:09
#Dynamo #Dresden #injured #fan #pyro #football #stadium #Regional


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