(Chip Photo)

The European Paralympic archery championships are scheduled for 19 to 24 May in Rome, which will take place for the first part in the multifunctional center of the State Police in Spinaceto (via del Risaro 192/198) and for the finals in Ostia Antica archaeological park, for the first time the stage for a major international competitive event. There are over 100 archers who, accompanied by around 90 technicians, will compete representing 26 Nations in the categories present at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, i.e. Recurve Open, Compound Open and W1, and also in the Visually Impaired 1 (blind) and Visually Impaired 2/3 (visually impaired). These are the registered nations: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Hungary and Ukraine. The Italian para-archery national team, with 9 passes for the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games and directed by Willy Fuchsova, presents itself on the shooting line with the outgoing European champion Elisabetta Mijno, Veronica Floreno and Stefano Travisani in the open recurve, l world champion Matteo Bonacina, Eleonora Sarti and Giulia Pesci in the compound open, Asia Pellizzari, Daila Dameno and Paolo Tonon in the W1. The competition program includes the arrival of the delegations on Saturday 18 May, with the official test shooting scheduled for Sunday 19 May, while on Monday 20 May the initial phase of the competition with the ranking round, when each athlete shoots 72 arrows to determine the scoreboard final of the direct clashes. On Tuesday 21 May the individual preliminaries up to the semi-finals, while on Wednesday 22 May the team (doubles) and mixed team preliminaries, in addition to the ranking round and the Visually Impaired preliminaries, archery for people with visual disabilities. All the bronze finals are scheduled for Thursday 23 May. On Friday 24 May the competition moves to the archaeological site of Ostia Antica, where the finals for the individual continental gold will take place at 10am, the team finals at 3pm and the closing ceremony at 5.30pm. The continental event, managed by the Organizing Committee supported by the Fitarco-Italian Archery Federation and by World Archery Europe, with the patronage of the Cip-Italian Paralympic Committee, the Lazio Region and Rome Capitale, as well as the logistical support of the Groups military sports, returns to Rome where it has already been held in 2022, following the other commitments seen in the Italian capital, the 2015 Youth Cup, the 2017 World Cup final and the 2018 and 2019 editions of the Rome archery trophy, stages of the Indoor World Series, played in 2018 and 2019.

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2024-05-18 13:54:29
#Paralympic #archery #European #Championships #starting #tomorrow #Rome #finals #Ostia #Antica


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