3rd World Walking Football Congress: A Day of Competition, Collaboration, and Celebration in Guimarães

The 3rd World Walking Football Congress takes place this Saturday in Guimarães, specifically on the pitch of the Gémeos Castro Athletics Track and in the Multipurpose pavilion.

The program starts at 9:30 am, with an international Walking Football tournament. After lunch, at 3 pm, the opening session of the 3rd World Congress of the sport will take place, which will feature a presentation by Alan Rose, president of the International Walking Football Association. Another of the event’s moments will be a round table, which will feature three former Vitória players, Laureta, Tito and Costeado.

Friday, 10 May 2024 08:59 in Sports

Tags: Walking Football

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2024-05-10 06:59:00
#3rd #World #Walking #Football #Congress #takes #place #Saturday #Guimarães


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