1st Municipal Judo Schools Meeting Success: Promoting Training and Competition

On Saturday, May 18, the 1st Meeting of the Municipal Judo Schools took place on the auxiliary fields of the Club Ingeniero Luis A. Huergo de Kilómetro 3. The activity was accompanied by the Ente Comodoro Deportes.

The day had two segments, one aimed at the training categories (onions, pre-promotional, promotional, children’s A and B), and another aimed at the competitive ones (cadets, Junior and veterans), with 84 judokas from all over the city in attendance. .

All municipal school sites participated in the meeting: Municipal Gymnasium No. 1, Club Huergo, Municipal Gymnasium No. 3 and Municipal Gymnasium No. 4.

“The meeting was held in a recreational and dynamic way, and allowed us to get to know the base population to face this year’s tournaments, as well as detect those judokas who have more training to participate in a national tournament representing our municipal schools. ”, explained the reference Florencia Fernández.

And he added that “next month we will hold two tournaments, on Saturday, June 8 at the Municipal Gymnasium No. 1, for the lower age categories, and on Saturday, June 22, for the categories over 15 years old.”

2024-05-22 02:21:34
#athletes #gave #life #1st #judo #match


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