1860 Munich: Löwen investor Ismaik is back – and has 100 million euros with him

3rd League 1860 Munich

Löwen investor Ismaik is back – and has 100 million euros with him

As of: 4:34 p.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes

The money is looser again: Hasan Ismaik wants to lead 1860 into the Bundesliga

Source: dpa/Andreas Gebert

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Businessman Hasan Ismaik doesn’t want to give up 1860 Munich. Despite the ongoing dispute with club officials, the investor is promising the third division club a further 100 million euros. However, the money comes with a condition.

The controversial investor Hasan Ismaik is making a new attempt at the traditional club TSV 1860 Munich. The 46-year-old announced that he would continue to work for the third division football club if the top management was replaced.

“I promise you, I will make my financial contribution if 1860 is open to personnel and structural changes. “Something just has to change,” said the majority shareholder of the “Löwen” and added in a Facebook video in front of Berg-Panorama: “I am ready for an investment of 100 million euros so that we can make 1860 Munich great again. “

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Ismaik would like to come to Munich for the first time since joining the general meeting on June 16th. “I will not give up on 1860, at least not until the club is back where it belongs. In the first league,” he said. He also once again criticized the club leadership around President Robert Reisinger and the active fan scene.

1860 came in at number 15

Ismaik was recently in the headlines when the traditional club was passed straight into the regional league in 2017 after being relegated from the second division. At that time he refused a further cash injection for the club. As a result, 1860 did not receive a license for the third league.

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The Munich team came in 15th place last season and the final 0-2 defeat against Arminia Bielefeld in the Grünwalder Stadium, which was once again sold out. A week earlier, relegation was certain – not enough for 1860’s expectations. The constant power struggle between the executive board and the investor side around Ismaik is constantly running in the background.

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When asked about the squad wishes, coach Argirios Giannikis said last weekend: “I think we’re not at ‘make a wish’. We have to see what resources are available. It is also clear that we do not have the greatest resources in the league. And then it’s important to make the best possible decisions for the club.”


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