15-Year-Old Lam Béchart from Guyana: Fulfilling his Dream as a Ball Boy at Roland-Garros

At 15, Lam Béchart is from Saint-Laurent from the Maroni Raquettes Club, who is preparing to realize one of his dreams: becoming a ball boy at Roland-Garros, one of the most prestigious tennis tournaments in the world.

Lan (center), surrounded by his club teammates, celebrates his title of Guyana Beach Tennis U16 champion, a moment of pride and camaraderie before his departure for Roland-Garros • ©Eric LEON

Selected from 5,000 young candidates, Lan managed to stand out thanks to her skills and determination. After intensive training and evaluations in real conditions, he is one of the few chosen to be able to participate in this exceptional event. Passionate about tennis since a young age, Lan sees this opportunity as a key step in achieving his dream of becoming a professional player.

Lan followed specific training in Cayenne and was evaluated during the finals of the Guyana tennis championships. Of the six young participants, only two were chosen, including Lan. The selection is based on specific criteria: concentration, precision in movements, and ability to remain vigilant throughout matches.

Lan, focused and determined, is training to become a ball boy at Roland-Garros, a dream coming true for this young Guyanese who is passionate about tennis • ©Eric LEON

For Lan, this experience is much more than just participating in a tournament.

I’ve been playing tennis since I was little and I love it. I watch the matches, I wanted to become a professional player, I still want

he confides. Being in contact with great players and being inspired by them is an opportunity that he intends to seize. In addition, Lan is also Guyana’s U16 Beach Tennis Champion, which is a testament to his talent and passion for the sport.

This trip to Roland-Garros is also a gift for Lan, who will celebrate her 16th birthday during the tournament. This is his second gift of the year, and he plans to take full advantage of it.

Lan, proudly holding tennis balls. behind him his little brother admiring his brother who will finally make his dream come true.. • ©Eric Leon

Lan will leave Guyana on Friday May 17, at 5 p.m., accompanied by another selected young person. Upon their arrival in Paris, they will be supported by supervisors from the French Tennis Federation. The experience includes a visit to Roland-Garros and activities planned by the federation, although he does not yet know all the details of the program.

Lan in full concentration, ready to proudly represent Guyana as a ball boy during the prestigious Roland-Garros tournament • ©Eric LEON

Aware of the academic requirements, Lam has already planned to take his classes remotely. His classmates will help him by sending him the necessary lessons and homework so as not to fall behind during his stay in France.

Lan’s parents, especially his father and mother, are extremely proud of him. A former tennis player, his father also dreamed of becoming a ball boy at Roland-Garros, a dream he was unable to realize. Lan feels honored to be able to have this experience and hopes it will help him progress in his sporting journey.

Although the Federation has banned collectors from asking for autographs or disturbing players, Lam is delighted to be able to be in contact with his tennis idols.

I hope I will have a good trip, that I will have a good experience. Since I’m going to Roland-Garros, I obviously think I’ll like it

he concluded enthusiastically.

2024-05-17 20:24:49
#young #Guyanese #RolandGarros #Lam #Bécharts #dream


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