1. FC Union in Cologne: “No understanding” – Union’s application for the 2nd league

Football bankruptcy in Cologne

“No understanding” – Union Berlin’s application for the second league

Status: 11.05.2024 | Reading time: 2 minutes

From the Champions League straight to the second division? 1. FC Union is well on its way. The defeat in Cologne at least gives the fans little hope. In particular the team’s behavior late in stoppage time.

After 19 minutes, 1. FC Union Berlin’s difficult season seemed to come to a conciliatory end. But after 96 minutes the problems were bigger than ever. The Champions League participant lost an early 2-0 lead at 1. FC Köln and lost the game 2:3 (2:1). The opponent now has hope of staying in the league again, while Union itself is increasingly worried about relegation. Especially since the defensive behavior against Cologne was third rather than second class.

In fact, a less insecure team wouldn’t have let Cologne get back into the game. Union also had the chance to add the third goal, but missed it several times. The fact that the score was 2-2 at some point (87′) can still be dismissed as the logic of football. But how the Berliners actively contributed to losing the game in the 93rd minute was amazing.

Especially since Union could have lived much better with the draw, because then Cologne would have been relegated, Union could have finished 16th in the worst case scenario, so the Berliners can even go straight into the second division.

“Of course it’s bitter when you’re 2-0 up, but then you still have to take the 2-2,” said Sky expert Dietmar Hamann and explicitly discussed Cologne’s third goal from Downs: “Union catches a counterattack in the 93rd minute. If you don’t turn on your brain, you’ll have problems. They learned that today in the most bitter way.”

“They are three against four in their own penalty area.”

In fact, the guests were extremely offensive in Cologne’s decisive attack and made little attempt to intervene defensively. This is how Cologne was able to create a 4:3 advantage in the opponent’s penalty area and took advantage of it.

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Hamann was downright stunned by the scene: “They are three against four in their own penalty area. You have to leave five or six men behind the ball. I have no understanding of losing a game like that.”

The Köpenickers have now been without a win for seven games, and the change of coach from Nenad Bjelica to Marco Grote before the game had no effect. And with SC Freiburg there is an opponent on the last match day who wants a win in order to qualify for the European Cup.

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The words of captain Christopher Trimmel after the oath of disclosure in Cologne are not very encouraging: “We are having a difficult season. We rarely played consistently good football and never really found ourselves as a team. You can see that today too.”


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