1. Budo-Club Eschweiler Secures Double Victory on First Day of Association League Fights

On its first day of fighting in the association league, the 1. Budo-Club Eschweiler met the teams of the 1. JC Mönchengladbach and the Post SV Düsseldorf and was able to win both matches.

After Eschweiler had confidently been promoted to the association league last season, the first day of competition was about determining their position. The team led by coach Dieter Degenhart travelled to the state capital with the aim of at least achieving a draw.

In the encounter against 1. JC Mönchengladbach, Arthur Westerkamp (weight class +90 kg), Thomas Gillessen (-66 kg) and Berni Bolz (-81 kg) won three times in the first fights of the first half of the season. The three Eschweilers also won the fights in the second half of the season. Erik Zimmermann (-72 kg) and Julian Lowes (-90 kg) were narrowly defeated in their fights. The Indestadters won the first encounter 6:4.

The second encounter on this day was against the team from Düsseldorf. Here too, after the first half of the season, victories by Arthur Westerkamp (+90 kg), Berni Bolz (-73 kg) and Julian Lowes (-90 kg) made it 3:2 for Eschweiler. Tobias Hauffe-Wasschbüsch (-66 kg) and Erik Zimmermann (actually up to 73 kg), who had been promoted to the weight class up to 81 kg, had to give up their fights. Now the second half of the season had to bring the decision. Coach Dieter Degenhart decided to switch weight classes and was rewarded: victories by Arthur Westerkamp, ​​Thomas Gillessen (-66 kg), Erik Zimmermann (-73 kg) and Julian Lowes (-90 kg) secured the Indestadt team’s victory with 7:3 in the second encounter of the day.

Dieter Degenhart said: “I am extremely proud of my boys! A great debut in the association league despite the currently very modest training opportunities. We only have a hall to train in one day a week.”

After the first day of fighting, the newly promoted 1. Budo-Club Eschweiler is unexpectedly but deservedly at the top of the league table. The second day of fighting will take place on June 16th in the Weisweiler gymnasium from 11:00 a.m.

editorial staff

2024-05-25 08:57:15
#Judo #newcomer #starts #perfectly #Filmpost #News #Eschweiler


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