Youth Multi-Sport Courses in Mozac: A Growing Success

Youth Multi-Sport Courses in Mozac: A Growing Success

Mozac. Young people join multi-sport courses. Well established in the municipality for three years, the multi-sport courses, offered by the sports sub-committee, are attracting more and more young people from Moza, and even from other municipalities. The 24 places were taken by storm, while the dates were not yet fixed and the clubs not positioned.

Free, these courses allow young people to discover sporting entities while having fun during 1h30 sessions per activity. Supervised by volunteers from Mozaic clubs, the young athletes began these two days by learning about two hybrid sports originating respectively from Switzerland and Denmark: Tchoukball and Bum Ball. These two activities were supervised by the Ludo’Zac game library and Cazom, with the participation of adolescents. The afternoon took place with an introduction to pétanque offered by La Boule de Mozac and martial arts with the Mozac judo club.

The next morning, they played football with US Mozac and raced down the Mozac BMX club track. These two days ended with Mozac Volvic basket and the Ludo’Zac toy library.

A new course will take place at the end of August or during the fall holidays.

Information. Such. (Ludo’Zac, Franck Villedieu) or [email protected].

2024-04-19 04:25:46
#Multisport #courses #young #people


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