Xàtiva Badminton Club Shines with Three Medals in Weekend Tournaments

Xàtiva Badminton Club Shines with Three Medals in Weekend Tournaments

The Xàtiva Badminton Club has won three medals in two tournaments this weekend. The Setabe club won bronze in the S15 and S19 Masters held in Cartagena (Murcia) and two golds in the Top TTR tournament for Under-15, Under-19 and Seniors, held in Vitoria (Basque Country).

Martina Molina and Feliu Terol won the bronze medal in the mixed doubles of the S15 Master and S19 from Cartagena, a competition in which the Setabe club participated with three athletes: Martina, Feliu, both in the sub-15 category, and Andrea Orquín, in the sub-19 category. Martina and Feliu climbed to the third place on the podium in the mixed doubles event, in which they were one step away from competing in the final. In the semifinal they fell against Martín Fenoll and Alicia Brao by 21-19 and 21-12, winning the bronze.

In singles, Feliu qualified for the final phase after winning all three matches in the group phase and finally finished fifth in the championship, after losing in the quarterfinals by 21-8 and 21-13, against Raúl Hernández, from CB Infante. from Murcia, who was finally champion of the Master. Martina followed a similar path and also achieved fifth place in the tournament, after passing the group stage without dropping a set. In the quarterfinals she lost to Alicia Brao, from CB Las Torres, by 21-14 and 21-19.

Andrea Orquín could not overcome the group stage in the under-19 category. In addition, she could not compete in the women’s doubles event with Soraya Gandia and participated in the mixed doubles event with Mario López, from CB Ronda, performing well, since despite it being the first time they played together, they were close to win in the first match against Rubén Martínez and Candela Martínez, losing 21-18 and 23-21. They also lost to Alejandro Gállego and Daniela Corchon.

The other two metals, gold, obtained by CB Xàtiva last weekend came from the hand of Vicente Ferrer in the Top TTR tournament of Under-15, Under-19 and Senior categories held in Vitoria. Vincent competed in the senior singles and doubles events, becoming champion in both.

In the individual category A1-A2-B2, Ferrer beat Óscar Márquez, from CB Gurea, in the final, by 21-13 and 21-12, winning the gold medal. The Setabense had passed the group stage without difficulties and in the semifinals he beat Sergio Juaniz by 21-8 and 21-11. In men’s doubles B1-B2-C1, Vicente participated with Alberto Pascual, and repeated the gold medal after beating Enrique Balsategui and José Vergara in the final by 21-12 and 21-17. In the semifinals they beat Gustavo Barrera and Óscar Martínez by a double 21-13.

Closing School Games

Xàtiva hosted the fourth and last day of the School Games of the Valencian Community in the children’s category, which brought together 51 athletes and with which the regional phase was concluded, deciding the qualifiers for the School Regional Championship, which will be held on May 25 in El Campello. The Setabeans stood out in the doubles event, with 71% victories. In singles they added 43% wins. The most outstanding Setaboses were Meshack Martínez, with full victories in singles and doubles, and Alexis Piñero and Aleix Seguí, with three victories out of four possible.

Upcoming competitions

The Xàtiva Badminton Club will compete next Sunday in the Regional Championship of the Under-19 and Senior categories, which will bring together 93 athletes from 14 clubs in the Valencian Community in Valencia. The Setabe club will attend with 8 players.

CB Xàtiva will also be at the Senior Master in Medina del Campo (Castilla y León) next weekend., in which Vicente Ferrer will compete. The event will bring together 157 athletes from 63 clubs in Spain.

The Setabense club will also compete in the third provincial day of the School Games in the Benjamin category, which will take place next Saturday, April 13. The third and last day in this category will serve to decide the athletes classified for the Provincial Championship of the School Jocs of the Valencian Community in the youngest and juvenile categories, which will be held in Xàtiva.

2024-04-10 17:17:41
#Badminton #medals #tournaments #medals #Badminton #Xàtiva #Cartagena #Vitoria #tournaments


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