WADA defends itself in China affair

WADA defends itself in China affair

In the affair surrounding a series of positive tests among top Chinese swimmers, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has defended its waiver of sanctions. “The agency remains committed to the results of its scientific investigation and the legal decisions in this case,” WADA said on Monday night.

The allegations have been examined and there is not enough evidence to initiate new investigations, the authority added. Media reports had previously raised doubts about the role of WADA and the Chinese Anti-Doping Agency in the fight against sports fraud.

According to international media reports, 23 top swimmers tested positive for the banned heart drug trimetazidine at a national competition in China at the beginning of 2021. At the Olympics in Tokyo in July/August 2021, the 30-member Chinese team won six medals, including three gold.

After examining the ARD documentation, WADA reassured that there was no reason to attack the Chinese authorities’ findings. However, due to the pandemic, WADA did not examine the data in China itself. The Chinese investigators had determined that the positive doping tests were due to contamination in a hotel kitchen. Therefore, the swimmers went unpunished.

2024-04-22 08:11:36
#WADA #defends #China #affair


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