Violent Assault in Bologna: North African Boy Attacked with Baseball Bat on Busy Street

“It happened around 7-7.30 in the evening – explains a shop assistant from Bata – We saw people screaming, running away. A colleague of mine looked out and saw that there was blood on the ground. And a boy hit with a baseball bat.”

Spring Saturday evening, the center packed with Bolognese and tourists during aperitif time. In the middle of via Indipendenza, a North African boy, for unknown reasons, is beaten bloody by three compatriots in front of the entrance to Terranova, shortly after the intersection with via Augusto Righi. The boy (whose life was not in danger) remained on the ground bleeding while those present alerted the police and 118. His attackers fled. He was transported to the Major in medium severity code.

2024-04-07 09:02:33
#Beatings #baseball #bats #blood #violent #brawl #Indipendenza #aperitif #time


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