VIDEO. “We are at 60 km/h in less than two seconds”: in BMX, with the best French athletes

VIDEO.  “We are at 60 km/h in less than two seconds”: in BMX, with the best French athletes

Worlds before the Olympics. The best French BMX Racing riders are preparing for the World Championships in Rock Hill (United States), from May 12 to 18. With, obviously, in the back of their minds, the Paris Games. Because these world championships are crucial, in the race for the Olympic selection where, among men, there are six for three places (Romain Mahieu, Joris Daudet, Arthur Pilard, Jérémy Rencurel, Léo Garoyan and Sylvain André).

100 days before these Olympics, which the qualifiers will compete at home on the Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines track, Axelle Étienne, Romain Mahieu, Joris Daudet and Arthur Pilard spoke to us about their discipline, hyper spectacular… but not without risk .

Like the start, summed up as follows by Joris Daudet, who should compete in his 4th Olympic Games in Paris: “There is the starting gate which falls, and it’s every man for his own skin”. Watch our report at the top of the article.


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